

Kira's POV

"We're here," Dad announced as he drove towards a huge black gate.

"Wipe that frown off your face, Kira. And quit folding your arms like a petulant child," Mom chastened, glaring at me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I grumbled and heard my dad sigh.

"Do not be dramatic. I am mad that we are late for the appointment with Barnes. Don't get me angrier."

"You engaged me to a stranger without my consent and you expect me not to be dramatic? If I were Stella, there's no way I'd be in this car right now."

"Exactly. That foolish girl has corrupted you!" Dad snapped.

The gates pulled open and my stomach turned queasy as our car slipped into the compound. My mouth dropped as I gaped at the huge mansion before us.

"Just how many people live here?"

Mom shook her head in disapproval. "You have to act with dignity. You cannot be so uncouth when you meet with Mr Barnes, do you understand Kira?"

I grumbled that I was going to do whatever the hell I wanted. My brows knitted as I replayed her words.

"Wait, did you say Mr Barnes?"

"Yes," Mom replied, adjusting her blonde hair before glancing at me from the front seat to see if I looked okay. "You need to fix your face. And wipe that frown off your face Kira!"

Barnes, I thought as we stepped out from the vehicle. Wasn't Xavier's last name Barnes?

My heart leapt in my chest. Could it be that the man I was engaged to marry was Xavier? Oh my gosh. My belly fluttered with excitement.

At least he wasn't bad to look at. And the naughty dirty things he could make me do. My thighs shook as we walked into the mansion. I pressed them together momentarily to relieve the ache in my pussy.

An older man with silver streaks and familiar blue eyes stood together with his wife in the living room.

"Mr Andrews," He greeted, extending his arm out to my father. "A pleasure to see you once again."

"This must be Kira," His wife praised, smiling widely. She looked too young to be Xavier's mother.

"Good morning, Mrs Barnes," I greeted, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

"Oh, call me Monica," She said, pulling me in for a hug. "Asher has been waiting to see you! I'll bet no one is more excited about this engagement than he is."

A butter taste filled my mouth. Asher?

A man walked in then. He was tall and lithe and sadly his eyes weren't the deep blue I was hoping to see. They were green. Like Monica's.

He looked boyishly cute and while that was nice, I couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Hi Kira," He greeted with a smile. "I'm Asher Barnes. Your fiance."

"Hi," I muttered, looking down at my heels.

Mom gave a nervous laugh. "Kira can be a bit shy,"

"I see," Monica replied. "Why don't we allow the couple to get familiar, yes?"

"Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?" I snickered. If I wasn't so pissed, I would have laughed at the mortified look on my mom's face.

Asher's smile widened and he looped his arm with mine. "I know right. Shouldn't we have been familiar before we got shackled to each other?"

"Oh, would you look at them? They're taking each other's side already," His mother gushed. "Why don't you show her around the house, dear? Take your time. "

"Kira," Asher called and I walked away faster. I didn't want to talk to him. Or anyone else. I just wanted to be left alone!

I walked through the hallways, going wherever my legs led me. In one of the hallways, a giant family portrait caught my attention.

There was Monica, her husband and Asher beaming together as a family. And then there was a man standing separate from them. The intensity in those blue eyes took my breath away.

Xavier. Xavier was related to Barnes. To Asher.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm my nerves. If Xavier was in the family portrait, that could only mean one thing.

"Hello baby girl," A familiar voice rasped.

I turned around to see Xavier standing mere centimeters behind me. In the flesh. Huge, tall with a darkened gaze that could melt a woman's panties off her. He did not look surprised to see me.

That meant he must have known. He must have known who I was all along and-

His arm wrapped around my waist pulling me against him. I gasped at how every inch of his hardness pressed against me.

"W-What are you doing?!" I whispered.

"Taking what is mine," he murmured, capturing my mouth with his in a kiss.

A jolt traveled right between my thighs. He could kiss. Oh good heavens! His lips melded and moved with mine. His tongue teasing apart the seam of my lips and slipping right in. Taking. Dominating. Demanding.

"Kira," Asher's voice reached my ears. "Where are you?"

I moaned, breathless when Xavier pulled away.

"I love that look on you," He whispered. "I have thought of nothing else since we spoke."

"You knew," I accused, the high I had felt from the kids disappeared. "You knew who I was. You knew I was-"

"To marry my brother?" He drawled, arching a brow.

"Yes!" I hissed.

"Of what consequence is that?"

"What? What does that even mean? I'm your brother's fiancee-"

"You are mine," He said nonchalantly and it annoyed me even more how turned on I was by his words.

"You're crazy," I snapped and turned to leave when he yanked me back to him. "Xavier,"

"Wrong word, babygirl," He chastened. "East wing, fourth room from the right. Meet me there in thirty minutes."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you'll have to be punished, yes?"

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