
Chapter 105


I surveyed the chaos that unfolded before me, my heart sank. The once serene and vibrant territory of the Green River Pack now lay in ruins. Smoke billowed from the remnants of what used to be our homes, mingling with the anguished cries and desperate pleas for help that echoed through the air. It was a scene of devastation that tore at the very core of my being.

Beside me, my mother, Beatriz, stood with tears streaming down her face, her eyes filled with a mixture of grief and despair. Her trembling hands clutched onto her heart, as if trying to quell the overwhelming ache within.

"Oh, Francine," she whispered brokenly, her voice choking with sorrow. "Look at what has become of our pack. Our home, our sanctuary... It's all gone."

I could hear the pain and helplessness in her voice, a reflection of the anguish that engulfed us all. The cries of our packmates, both young and old, filled the air, a haunting symphony of fear and desperation. It was a stark reminder of the dire s
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