
Chapter 6. Annalita.

Mr Warner,

Thank you for your speedy reply. I am amazed that I am so high on your to-do list, given how in demand a high profile man such as you are surely is.

You are absolutely correct in regards to my need for knowledge and I feel that the role of researcher will suit me well. I do not think that a change in career anytime in the near or distant future is in my plans going forward.

I believe you wish for me to be more specific with what I want from our correspondence. Here are my wants as you desire:

1. I want, most kindly, to be informed about which of your many facilities I shall be stationed in, specifically, to aid my knowledge quest.

2. I want, most fervently, to know when I shall be needed to start my quest within your company. It would be most advantageous, as sat twiddling one's thumbs is not listed as part of my long term career goals.

3. This is more of a wish than a want, but would you be willing to divulge any information on any projects that I will be assigned to and are you for or against us lab rats being able to pitch possible future endeavours to yours truly?

As you gave me your assurances in our last online rendezvous, I feel it only fair that I offer some of my own to you. Rest assured that I am currently quenching my thirst and sating my hunger as we speak.

Look forward to receiving your specifics about my specifics.

Yours Miss Taylor.

I sat back in my semi drunken state, feeling quite pleased with myself. I'll deal with the regret and my hangover in the morning. I sat back taking another slice of pizza. The apartment was too quiet so I decided to put on some music.

Contentedly, I topped up my glass and munched through another slice, musing about how I never let myself go fully, sure I can have fun and pose for silly pictures but secretly, I wished I was more care free.

I'm twenty-two in a month, having graduated high school early, and I've never let myself go enough with a man to actually give up my virginity! I haven't got some silly romantic notion that I should save myself, rather that I want passion. Raw, unadulterated passion that comes with love and hate combined. So while I wait for the near impossible, I'll end up alone, eaten by my cats and missed by very few.

My mood was spiralling downwards as these utterly depressing thoughts flitted through my mind. I am not the sad drunk girl! I will not be the sad drunk girl. Switching off the music i decided to watch a cheesy rom-com to cheer myself up.

I was happily singing along to the opening credits of 'My Best Friend's Wedding', or more accurately, I was murdering the song, when I heard a ping from my computer. Holy crap! That was fast.

Miss Taylor,

Your time keeping bodes well in terms of your upcoming employment which will be commencing very soon such is my want, me being a demanding high profile man.

While I do agree that the role of researcher is very suited to you, I believe you could put that skill to use in seeking out future roles and in expanding your horizons.

I do indeed desire to fulfil your wants but for now I'll settle on focusing on the ones you have laid out for me.

Firstly, I think it necessary that you join the team with in my flagship facility, where the magic began so to speak.

Secondly, it is to be understood that you will be graduate this next coming Thursday so you will be expected to start your pursuit of knowledge on the Monday following. The sitting on or the twiddling of thumbs is optional for you in the days between.

Lastly, there is a current project that you will be joining. You will be sent the studies via courier over the weekend so that your are well versed and ready to jump in when Monday arrives. As for the suggesting of projects, I hold monthly presentations for those wanting to submit their ideas. If it is interesting or beneficial enough, funding will be granted and a team assembled.

I have come to enjoy our new tradition of assurances but let me assure you that resting easy having read your last set has been nigh on impossible. I feel disappointed that I was not the one who sated your appetite. As an employer, I should make sure that my employees are happy and well taken care of.

I anticipate another timely reply from you, should you agree to the timelines set out as above.

Yours Mr. Warner.

I sat there dumbfounded. His veil was slipping. A sudden sinking feeling, is telling me that I'm about to get into something that is going to be difficult to get out of. I think I'm in trouble, maybe I should turn it down? Cut losses and run?

Even as my mind had all these thoughts tumbling through it, I started to type. My fingers taking on a mind of their own as the words started to fill the screen.

Mr. Warner,

I find the the aforementioned appointment of my employment agreeable and will wait, with anticipation, for the studies that are due to arrive. Has the University passed along my details or will I have to submit them? After all a courier can't find me to deliver to if they do not know where to look first.

While I admire your apparent dedication to your staff's well-being, I can't imagine that it would be possible for one man to cater for hundreds of employee's needs, so I will humbly request that the time allotted to me for this task, be given to someone or someone's more deserving?

I do apologise for any unrest that my previous assurances have given you, obviously they are there to provide the exact opposite reaction. I shall endeavour to correct this error for you now. I can most assuredly state that I am more than capable of keeping my appetite level at bay and well maintained as I have done so for several years and have become quite adept at it.

I look forward to meeting you when I join your team. Rest well and if it's not too forward, may I suggest that quenching your own thirst will help provide such relief for your personal well-being.

Yours Annalita.

I stared, unseeing, at the screen. That was not at all what I should've wrote. The negative thoughts were being out weighed by something else entirely, A feeling that was foreign to me. My abdomen was tight and tense, a heavy ache settling between my thighs, it was exquisite torture.

Before I could talk myself out of it, my hand slid down to where the ache was worst. My fingers quickly coated in my own wetness, they moved steadily along the slick folds, slipping in and out, brushing my upper wall to find the spot that would bring me my release.

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