
High Prices

Chapter 45 - High Prices


Everything was quiet, too quiet; even the shadows weren't filled with the same amount of whispers they usually were, and the human world, well, that place, was a bore since Lilith entered my life again.

I rubbed my hand against my chest, rubbing at the ache that only seemed to appear whenever I thought of her. The hole in my chest had long since been healed, but the pain and feeling of her hand pushing through my ribs and her fingers wrapped around my heart right before she ripped it out weren't easily forgotten.

It took everything in me not to go back to Gavin's house and check in our the little hellion and my brother. I was sure he was giving her a good time out of all my brothers. He and I were the hardest to manipulate. Having someone destroy you once was enough to ensure you never trusted another soul again. But I held myself back, resisting the pull Lilith seemed to still have over me even after all this time.

I knew I still had time to fight
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