


When I looked up and saw his face, at first I thought my eyes were deceiving me. That was until I pinched myself, most likely hard enough to leave a mark.

He's here- He's really here. Why?

It's been so long, so much time has passed and so much has changed. I put him behind me but now he's back, he had only just spoken a word but seeing his face was enough to drag all my anger to the surface.

Already I felt like a kettle on the stove, almost at it's boiling point.

"Mason Knight..."I whispered.

"Thee Mason Knight, The breaker of your heart??"Sam asked, and all he got was a light nod of the head in reply."I'll see to the Montgomery's, meet me upstairs when you're done."He made himself scarce quickly, before Mason reached me.

I wasn't ready to talk to him, I thought about running but what good would that do. It looked like he had just checked in and I basically run this place. It was inevitable.

"This is weird, running into each other I mean. It's been a long time, Jamie."

He rubbed the back of his neck, giving me the impression that he was just as uncomfortable about the situation as I was.

16 months, but who's counting."How long have you been back?"Harry and I are close. He never mentioned that Mason was coming back. I'm guessing he doesn't know.

"I landed an hour ago. I was going to call you but we ran into each other first."He glanced down at the binder in my arms."You don't work for my Father anymore, Do you?"

"I thought it would be a little awkward to work there after everything. I work here now."Everytime I looked at him all I could see was her.. In the eyes most of all.

"Lucky for me. We should catch up, we should talk!"

His words made me angry. After all, I am the one that's been waiting all this time to talk to him. He says it so casually, like maybe he didn't even mean it at all. If we hadn't of bumped into each other, he wouldn't of reached out.

That's who he is- He doesn't care- Not about anyone.

"I um.."I didn't have the enthusiastic reply in me that I'm sure he wanted.

I was trying too hard to control my array of emotions."I should probably go, I have a meeting."I walked away from him and it was obvious that he was frustrated by that.

Thankfully he didn't follow after me. I was surprised to see him, I need time to process all of this. I need time to figure out what this means- not for me but for her.

"So the Montgomery's are happy with the changes?"I asked, Sam as he was getting ready to leave.

"Of course, Didn't I tell you that I could handle it alone. Trust me, This Wedding Anniversary Party is going to go down without a hitch."

"I hope so."I love my job here at the hotel. I manage everything that goes on, so my role is important. It beats being an assistant.

"They did say that they wanted you to call them to go over the final details before the day. Mrs Montgomery has taken a liken to you by the looks of it." Sam chuckled, and slung his bag on his shoulder."Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave too?"

"Soon I swear, I have a couple of more things that I need to do first."Today of all days I wanted to leave the hotel as soon as I could, but I don't sleep if I have work that I need to do.

"That Ex of yours wouldn't be one of those things, would he?"He asked.

I gave him some serious side eye for that question."Absolutely not! You know what I'm like when I have work on my mind. Get out of here already."

He chuckled."I'm going. I'll see you in the morning."Sam left and I continued on with my work behind reception.

I overheard two employees chatting at the front desk while all was quite and no one needed to be checked in."I think he's pretty hot. You know I like a man in a suit."

"Hot, He may be. But he's a man with money, I'm sure he uses it to get what he wants. For example, sending me to Armani to pick up his suit. Why couldn't he do it himself?"

Jenna with the shoulder length blonde hair shrugged her shoulders."Maybe he was busy. Anyway, for important guests like Mason Knight it's all part of the service."

Hmm, I knew it. Of course it was Mason that they were talking about. He can't go anywhere without being the center of attention.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind being of service to him in other ways too, if you know what I mean."Monica with the black hair tied back into a ballet bun, shot her a wink.

"Well I certainly wouldn't turn him down. He's supposed to be staying for awhile, who knows what could happen."She chuckled."When I turn it on, I really turn it on!!"

I'm sure he won't need much persuading. She will be falling into his bed by the end of the week, I bet. Just because he's Fucked off for all this time it doesn't mean that he's in any way different than how he used to be.

Although the office door behind the reception desk was open, I still found it easier to concentrate since I couldn't overhear their every word of sexual talk. My checklist was ticked within 40 minutes and I was ready to go.

"Mr Knight, How was your day? Can I help you with something?"I overheard Jenna say, from her place at reception. I didn't look out, but I imagine she's flicking her hair about the place trying to play it cool.

We were pretty used to seeing Jenna's display around men that she's interested in spending the night with. Everyone around here knew what the signs were. Jenna was just another Office Bitch Jen, although she wasn't quite as bitchy.

"No, I'm looking for someone."Mason sighed."Is Jamie here, Or did she leave already?"I grabbed my bag and walked out of the office. His eyes glanced over me, he looked relieved that it was me."I thought I missed you, Can we talk?"

It wasn't just him that was looking at me, Jenna the receptionist was too. I'm sure she's wondering what the link is between the two of us."Um, I was just leaving actually."

I walked around the desk and towards the entrance of the hotel. He followed after me this time. He's clearly become more impatient as the day's went on.

"Come on, Jamie. Talk to me."He was following me through the hotel and out the door. Once outside, Mason turned me around so I was facing him."Look, I know I fucked up when I left like I did, but I'm back now and I'd like to explain myself."

"Oh, Now you want to explain."I was fuming, and finding it hard not to embarrass myself in public by roaring at him."You left without telling anyone, you didn't even try to contact. It's a little late for explanations now, Don't you think?"

He sighed in frustration, and I thought there's the Mason that I know. He's going to totally do his thing and try to tell me what to do."I know I don't deserve it, Jamie. But I need to explain."

He leaned against the wall of the building, contemplating his next words by the looks of it. I stood arms folded across my chest, softening the more I looked at him. Even with that amount of facial hair he was still the best looking man I've ever laid eyes on.

Damn it!!

"Look, I'll be in the hotel restaurant 8 o'clock tomorrow night if you change your mind. And I really hope you do change your mind."Mason opened the door and walked back into the hotel.

I stood in thought of his offer. For a year and a half I was left wondering would he ever come back, and if he did would I even mean enough to him that he would get back in contact.

Meeting him for dinner of course could stir up old feelings, not that they ever went away it's just, I guess I feel more anger towards him now than I do anything else. If I do decided to meet him, then I'm doing it for her and not for me.

She is what matters here- Not him- And not me!

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Cleona Dillavou
i paid for that book...
goodnovel comment avatar
Cleona Dillavou
why is the first book missing out of the library?
goodnovel comment avatar
Claudia Tacu
A very good chapter!

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