
Confrontation Plans

“What do you mean you’re locking me in here for the night? What will I do? How come Sapphire gets to run around free?” Ivory was pouting and sulking when she was given the news that after dinner, she would be locked in the room they’d given her. “I’m not some unruly teen, who’s misbehaved.”

“We have things to do and currently there’s no one here qualified to mind you. They will be here in the morning when you wake up. Until then. Goodnight, Ivory.” Magnus shut the door and locked it. He turned to a guard. “She’s not to know you’re here. Only let her out if the packhouse is on fire. If she throws a fit, leave her be. She’s not your concern. You’re here only to keep her from leaving the room.”

“Yes, Sir.” The wolf stood at the door and pocketed the key. He was one of Magnus’ loyal enforcers, and Magnus knew he could trust him.

While this was happening, April was examining. Sapphire for any magical spells cast on her. She claimed it would take quite a
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