
After the ceremony

I glanced over to see Ethan approaching with his drinks in his hands.

"Hey Mom." I greeted as he handed me a cup and took a seat beside me.

"Hey sweetheart, congratulations." My mother smiled at me kindly.

"Thank you mom." I grinned taking a sip from my cup.

I glanced at Ethan and noticed that he was already staring at me.

"So Claire, how far along are you?" My dad questioned, pulling my attention back to them.

"Um, it's just around nine months." I informed them nervously.

"Six months? That means you should be expecting any day now right?" My mother asked.

"Right, right. Uh well, that's actually not a bad thing." I chuckled nervously.

"No? Why?" My mom asked confused.

"Because that means that when my water breaks Ethan's gonna be there and I'm pretty sure that he will literally jump into the shower with me." I stated glancing at Ethan before giggling quietly.

"You guys must be so excited about having a baby." She giggled.

"We sure are, it's gonna be awesome." I agreed enthusiasticall
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