
Fifty Three


As I slept, exhausted from another grueling day of servitude, I found solace within the confines of my dreams. And tonight, my slumber delivered me a precious gift - a chance to reunite with my father. As I closed my eyes, the familiar smell of my father's tobacco smoke filled the air. I turned around, and there he was, standing before me, his warm smile melting away the pain in my heart.

"Daddy!" I cried, rushing into his arms. "Is it you?"

He held me tightly, his embrace offering a sense of comfort I had long been deprived of. "Yes, my precious Nathalie. It's me," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I have been watching over you, my child, every step of the way."

Tears streamed down my face as I clung to him, unable to believe that this was not just a figment of my imagination. "I miss you so much, Daddy. The pain of losing you has haunted me for years."

He stroked my hair gently, his touch soothing like a balm to my wounded spirit. "I know, my dear. But rem
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