
Foot ball match 2

Football is one of the most popular games in the world. It is also one of the oldest games. It is a game of strength and stamina. In terms of popularity, it is as popular as cricket. Comparatively, it is more popular in Europe and Latin America.

Today the match was  between high school A and high school B, top schools of the country. The match was played at the playgrounds of Government stadium. The entire ground was well decorated and a large number of chairs were arranged for the guests and spectators. Both the teams were well-prepared and confident of their win. The ground was full packed. The match was to start at 1 p.m. Both the teams entered the ground on scheduled time.

After the toss, the referee blew the whistle and the match began. It was expected to be a well-contested and lively match. Both the teams were expecting to score well. During the first few minutes, it was the high school B who dominated the match. They struck hard to the defenses of their rival, but failed to score any goal. However, they performed brilliantly and the spectators enjoyed the game.

The captain was very tactful and confident. He was hopeful to turn the match in his favour. It was his confidence that instilled new hope and energy in the team. His team was again in high spirit. As a result it overturned the match and gained control over it which was lost during the mid-hour. In the meantime, the team B scored three consecutive goals. The goals were appreciated with thunderous applause. The team was cheered by their supporters.

Meanwhile, the right half of the team A was badly injured he was trying to grab the ball but unfortunately he slipped and got injured due to which the captain decided to use extra player to replace injured one in game. Within a few second the first half was declared to be over by the referee.

The players took some rest and refreshments. They drew out strategies to beat their rival. There was a loud noise in the playground. The supporters, rushed to the ground to cheer up the teams.

The match again started with the whistle of the referee. The team B was equipped with strategies to defeat the team A as they have already studied all their players except Sam who has just joined in. Now  the players of team A were all  more alert particularly their goalkeeper was very tactful. The team  A made pressure on its rival during the first few minutes, Sam hit two goals one after another. Score board was showing (3,2)

Team B bucked up and tried another goal but the goalkeeper of  team A was extraordinarily sharp and quick in kicking the goal back. The game became very exciting and thrilling, during the last minute Sam hit another goal.

At one time, the game appeared to be ended in draw. It caused a moral boosting to both the teams. There were loud cheers from their supporters. Each of the team was trying its best to win the match. The game was about to over but surprisingly Sam hit another goal at the last second of the game. This was a surprising win which caused a great sensation in the ground. There was deafening cheers from its supporters, but the fighting spirit of the opposite team was also being praised by all. Overall the match was enjoyed greatly by the spectators.

Everyone just rushed towards Sam and Joe who were the real heroes of today's match,  Sam hit it hard and Joe being goal keeper gave his best.

Everyone just rushed towards Sam and Joe who were the real heroes of today's match,  Sam hit it hard and Joe being goal keeper gave his best.

Cheer leaders presented their best performance for winning team.  It's a time for celebration and everyone is in the mood of a party.

Dean of high school A was so excited that he announced a day off for all the students in lieu of victory ✌ after so many years.

Everyone was cheering up, students along with their mentors were dancing and singing happily. Sam was the centre of attention, every one was congratulating him but his eyes were struck somewhere,

Tiya was looking so attractive in that short  dress of cheer leader that his heart skipped a beat when he saw her dancing.

After who knows how many hours of dancing, everyone started feeling tired so they bid goodbye with a promise of a grand celebration in the form of a party 🎊 tomorrow as it was a declared holiday so they have full day to enjoy.

Sam moved towards Tiya, he was about to hug her when someone came in between them......  ohhh it's again Michael. She hugged him tightly and then congratulated him.

Sam had an awkward smile on his face, he looked towards Tiya and then said, "Thank you Michael."

Then Michael dragged him at some distance away from Tiya.

Tiya didn't want to spoil their personal moments so she quietly left the place.


Boys hostel

Room number 101

Boy with tattoo on bicep,"What do you think about today's performance?  Well I, Edd- the great, was quite impressed by him."

Boy having blue eyes and pure white face, his personality was same as that of Sam but his eyes has a sense of maturity in them. It was Joe, captain of school hockey team.

"I wonder if he is so smart that he can control his powers or he is really unaware about that?" said Joe with a meaningful smile on his face.

Edd,"Oh please we have watched his marksmanship, his flexibility, his reflexes as well as his stamina. Everything was just perfect about him. What else you want to know? "

Joe, "Go and get that girl here.  I want to ask a few questions to her. "

Edd, "Eeww I think it's going to be troublesome. The way she dealt with Justin,  she is not easy to deal with."

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