
You want to kill me

She will be fine, Thankfully I was on time and nothing wrong happened to her." hearing those words from Joe, Sam felt relieved. 

Sam looked towards Joe and said,"Thank you brother, I thought we will be competitors but I have never imagined that you will help me in such a time."

Joe was shocked to know that Sam knows about his true identity, but sensing the severity of the situation he said," There are certain things in this world that are more important than ruling a country." then he left the place with Edd. 

Sam looked at Tiya, he was feeling very very guilty, he caressed her innocent sweet little face and said, "I am sorry, I am really sorry it's all my fault. I was not able to protect you." tears were continuously flowing from his attractive blue eyes, he then hugged her protectively and promised her, "I will never leave you alone now."

Ruby was teleported by Edd, when she saw how Sam was hugging Tiya she also felt her heart ache for Tiya. Being a girl she knows what kind of situation Tiya has faced now. She patted on Sam's back and asked him to leave Tiya from his embrace. 

But Sam didn't want to leave her. His eyes were struck on Tiya. he was stubbornly continue to say, "I will never leave you alone never never never."

Edd hugged him and then told him we need to take her to the hospital let Ruby help her. and then he teleported him out of the room. 

Tiya was still covered in blanket, her body was freezingly cold and she was unconscious. Ruby helped her and put on her clothes, then they transferred her to the hospital

Sam called the hospital and with the help of Ruby and Edd, they quickly transferred her to the hospital ๐Ÿฅ.

.... .... ..... ..... .... ... .... .... ...

In hospital

Sam was in a panic, trouble can be clearly seen on his handsome face. his eyes were swollen red because of crying, his hears were messy and his face became pale because of tension. 

"Doctor please see her, why she is still unconscious, why is she not reacting? is she fine? What happened to her? Will she be fine? "

He asked a series of questions in between his continuous sobbing while dragging Tiya's stretcher towards observation theatre along with doctor and helpers. 

"Have patience young boy, let me take a look at her and we need to do a certain tests to verify the drug and it's amount in her body." Doctor explained the situation and then he asked Sam to wait outside.

Outside the observation room Edd, Joe, Ruby, Michael, Jazz,Jammie,Dannie and Chancy all were standing in tension where as Sam was not there. 

Sam was standing at the entrance of the corridor in front of the almighty god as he was praying for her well being.

After a long time of observation doctor came out with a list of tests results in his hands. He said,"The drug injected in the girl's body is a normal drug that only cause it's effect for few hours but the doze of that drug is not normal, they have given her three times the normal amount because of that she is still unconscious. We have given her proper treatment now let's see how fastly she will recover."

"Can we see her? " someone asked amongst the crowd.

"Yes off course, but please take care that you will not mention about the incident in front of her, as she is not psychologicaly stable."

Ruby sat beside her and touched her forehead while others were standing by the side. Seeing a lively girl who loves her life and is always nice with others in such a state, everyone's heart ache. They were looking at her quietly.

When Sam entered the room, everyone made way for him to sit beside her.  

After a minute others left the room leaving two of them alone.

He held her icy cold hands tightly, trying to give all his warmth to her. without saying anything he placed a light kiss on her forehead and then hugged her tightly.

Tiya was in his tight embrace when she shouted loudly, "Sam you idiot.. Do you want to kill me ๐Ÿ˜ก??? "

Sam:" ๐Ÿ˜€ you are fine???? "

"off course I am fine, what do you think who I am??? I am Tiya the great Tiya and oh yeah that rascal, I am going to kill him.... Just tell me where is he??? I am going to beat him to death." She was like a small bomb ready to blast any time. Like a rocket she jumped from the bed but she forgot about the IV drips attached to her. 

Tiya is most afraid of injections so when she saw two needles inserted in her veins she screamed on the top of her lungs like she has seen a ghost in the day light,"Aaahhh injection ๐Ÿ’‰ Uhu Uhu ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ."

"Stupid you scared me to death and now you are crying just because of these needles? ๐Ÿ˜ก " Sam said in anger but in heart he was happy very very happy because his Tiya is back, the Tiya whom he loved the most, the one who is his best friend, his crime partner, his helper, his guide, his only friend.... she is back. "

"Hey cutie prince!!! Stop crying like a girl and help me out of these needles. then let's have a round of fight ...๐Ÿ‘Š I am bored to death by lying here for so long and yes after that take me back to school. I want to kill that bastard Smith by myself."

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