
What's happening

Ryan, Joe and Edd were talking and planning for their further moves when Sam regained his consciousness, He was listening to their conversation and was shocked to know that he is a part of their plan. 

Sam opened his eyes and found himself in a laboratory, he was trying to get up when Joe noticed him and helped him to sit on the table. 

"Your injuries are healed now but you still need some time to regain your strength, take some rest and then join us for training sessions because you need to work on your skills." this is all what Ryan explained 

Sam nodded his head but he was utterly confused about the situation, he doesn't know what is happening here and why those wolves and the person who was controlling them wants to kill him.

"Don't worry we will have enough time to discuss about these things, firstly let's get out of here. Tiya and Ruby are waiting for us outside. " Joe said while helping him to stand.

.... ..... ..... ..... ... ... .... .... .....

Tiya waited for the whole night, but there was no information from Sam's side so, early in the morning g she decided to go out and search for him

 It was 5:00am, Ryan was doing his daily exercise when he saw Tiya, Tiya explained the situation to him with a worried look. 

"I will go and look for him, you go back and wait. I will call you when I find him." Ryan promised Tiya. 

.... .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... ....

Ryan knows that Tiya is worried about Sams well being so he asked Joe to contact her and inform her about Sam's condition. 

When Tiya saw that Joe is helping Sam to move out of the washroom, her heart started beating at a faster rate, she was worried about Sam but she didn't want to reveal her worriedness on her face as she didn't want Sam to know about her feelings towards him.

"Stupid Sam can't you even take care of yourself ? oh God now I have to do baby sitting also 😤." Tiya said with a sigh and then took Sam's hand from Joe and helped him to move out of his room. 

there was a shining smile in Sam's eyes but on his face he maintained a dull look. When they both entered Sam's room Tiya helped him to settle on his bed and then with an angry expression she started complaining," Who told you to go out in the night? You better behave from now and firstly promise me that you will not go alone anywhere."

"Not even in the washroom??? 😉," Sam asked with a naughty smile. 

Tiya "....."

"Now I am leaving, just let me know if you need anything." 

Sam: "Hmm I need you"

Tiya :"What??? " 😡

Sam:" I mean I need you, I am so weak that I can't move. if you will leave me alone now then how will I get anything as Jazz is also not here. "

Tiya:" Uff.... 😏tell me what you want?"

Sam: "Help me in changing my clothes. "

Tiya: 😧

Sam: "Do it fastly I can't change myself and these clothes are stinking badly with the smell of blood"

Tiya shook her head and got up to find some clothes for him but the moment she got up, Sam pulled her back and she fell on him. 

Sam was lying on bed and she was on him, Tiya was shocked by this, she was looking at his eyes.

Sam grabbed the opportunity and hugged her tightly then he gave a light kiss on her lips. 

"Ahh now I am feeling charged I think now I can change by my self."

Tiya felt stupefied hearing such shameless words from Sam

"Sam you..... " she shouted

"What??? I only said that I can help myself but if you are so eager to help me then I don't have any problems with that. " Sam replied in a teasing tone. 

Tiya "..."

Sam: "Tiya I think you are eating too much now a days. I will die under you... fatty get up from me."

Tiya then realized that she is still in the same position, she got up immediately and said, "you better get your eyes checked. you are fatty your brain is fatty and your Michael is fatty. "

She left while shouting those words 

😡😡😡 where as Sam was still smiling 😊😊😊

After two days, Sam fully recuperate and then joined Joe and Edd in their training session as directed by Ryan. 

Ryan passed him a hand gun 🔫 and then pointed at the dart board, This is the first time for Sam to hold a real gun, being a prince , Sam has taken training in all these things but he had always used those dummy things. 

When Sam looked at it, he was quite amused by the looks of it but then he immediately pointed it towards the dart board, as instructed by Ryan. 

First hit..... it was a perfect ten 

Sam smiled 

Joe,"Luck doesn't work every time. you need to practice hard. " Joe turned around after saying those words

Another hit..... again perfect ten

Another one... it's 10 points again

Tha ..... tha ... tha ....

in continuation Sam pulled the trigger ten times but the result was same with every hit. Even Sam was shocked to see the results. 

"Not bad!!! "Ryan said with a straight face and then continued with his training.

"Mr. Ryan I am just a little curious about our mission. " Sam chose his words very carefully.

Mr. Ryan gave him a warning look and without saying anything he passed him another gun to practice with.

Sam was making faces as he doesn't have any idea, what is actually happening and how all these things are related to him. Moreover he was curious about himself also, he wanted to know about his own powers, from where he got those powers and why amongst the whole world he was chosen?

Sam was immersed in his own thoughts when he saw that Edd and Joe were doing extensive exercises to increase their physical powers. 

Sam went towards them as he also wanted to join them but Mr. Ryan told him to focus on guns,"Everyone in this mission has an important part to play so you better stuck with your tasks. "

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