
Philip just died. Cause of death: Amelia


"Can you be my boyfriend?" Amelia asked. Making me shock as ever.

Am I dreaming?

Or is she joking?

Is this real?

I can't believe it.

"h-huh?" I asked while blinking over and over again. It's real? like for real?

"you don't want to?" she asked again and looked at at the sea.

I immediately came into realization.

She really asked that right. She did. She really did

I immediately stood up which made her look at my direction.

"for real?" I asked with my smile as wide as the ocean.

"why? do you think I'm kidding?" she asked while keeping a poker face.

I'm amaze, how can she keep a poker face while saying those words.

At my excitement, I ran back and forth while screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Lia!" I called. She looked at me, she's still sitting there while being gorgeous as ever.

"why?!" she shouted back as we're quite far from each other by now.

I spread my arms.

"Lia, my girlfriend! Lia is now my girlfriend!" I shouted and begun running again at the place.

After running
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