
Chapter 33: Grave

Chapter 33: Grave

“Are you sure you weren’t having a nightmare?” Asked Hayden hesitantly.

The Prince caressed his mate’s cheek gently. He trailed his fingertips along her neck down to her shoulders. He squeezed the muscles there.

“You’re tense,” he whispered.

Cory shut her eyes tightly. She had been afraid of this.

“You don’t believe me,” she whispered.

Hayden sighed.

“I saw Leech with my own eyes. I buried him,” revealed the Alpha.

Cory locked eyes with Hayden. She cupped his face in her hands, pleading with him with her eyes.

“You have to believe me,” she said. “I reached for you, to wake you up, to show you, thinking you were next to me,” said Cory.

Hayden took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.

“But you were gone,” said Cory so softly had the Prince not been an alpha, he would not have heard her.

“I am sorry I did not wake you,” he murmured, ki

Joanna J

Thanks for reading! Hope you are enjoying this book. It is a little different from my others but it is something I have been wanting to write for a long time. xoxo

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
ayyyaa T_T poor Venom...,
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather Woodard
I'm sad that Venom was killed......
goodnovel comment avatar
Ashley Bacci
I knew it!!

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