
Chapter 34: An Acorn Among Mushrooms

Chapter 34: An Acorn Among Mushrooms

Cory sank down to her knees with her back against the shelf of earth. She realised she was crying. Venom had been good to her. The real Venom had been kind and she had felt comfortable around him. Now, he was gone and some evil doppelgänger had been left in his place. Blaython nudged her with his furry head. The tiger seemed greatly concerned about her. She looked into his glassy eyes and pet his head, thinking out loud, “If Venom is really here where Leech’s body should be, then the Venom at the feast is Leech. Who else could it be?” She said, looking into Blaython’s eyes.

The tiger gave a definite nod.

“Does this smell like the real Venom?” She asked.

Blaython sniffed the corpse. He nodded.

“Did the Venom at the feast smell like himself?” She asked.

Blaython just stared at her. She took that to mean that he had not ha

Joanna J

Thank you so much for reading! Had a delay but getting back on schedule! The next chapter should be up day after tomorrow. xoxo

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ashley Bacci
I'm glad she stands up for what she believes! Hayden is just too afraid of losing her
goodnovel comment avatar
Oohh! Plot twist! Is Hayden really Hayden? Is Lynx really Lynx? Is anyone who they claim to be? Her quest is becoming more dangerous by the moment!! Excited to see how it develops.

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