
44 Won’t Let Go


"Man, I'm bored out of my mind here," Marvin's voice echoed in my thoughts, just as Josephine and I were sharing a kiss. The interruption didn't exactly sit well with me. Sensing my distraction, Josephine broke away from the kiss, concern in her eyes.

"What's bothering you, Li?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Marvin just mentioned he's bored," I explained, and she let out a laugh.

"Aren't we all?" she replied with a knowing grin.

"Yeah, pretty much everyone except Charlotte," I remarked, and Josephine chuckled.

"Why don't we all head to the park? Justine suggested we move in groups. We could all go to the park. I know it's your secret spot, but I'm dying to go there – have Mirabel cook for us, swim in the lake, and watch the sunset with you," she proposed with enthusiasm, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"If that's what you want, I'll talk to Justin about it. I don't mind sharing my secret haven if it means we can spend some quality time together," I said, and her face
Karima Sa'ad Usman

Thank you all for showing this book Love. Please do not be concerned about this development. It is necessary to take us to the next phase. I will also have to speed up time a bit to get Jo to a legal age so I can write with a bit more freedom. Please bear with me on this. Thank you all for everything Meanwhile, if you haven't checked out my other Work in progress, please Do. It is called Cuddle Me, Alpha and though it just has 12 chapters now, I update it every other day like this one. It needs a lot of support to continue so if it is something you might like, please check it out. Thank you.🤗🤗🙏🏾🙏🏾

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Comments (12)
goodnovel comment avatar
Irma Sanchez
I like where you're going with Josephine, you're amazing
goodnovel comment avatar
Petagay Thompson
oh no. poor laim and jo and now CNC ..please let Joe know that they are fated. they need to let them stay together they will be weaker apart.
goodnovel comment avatar
Marlenny Fernandez
Luckily I’m use to Karima’s punches under the belt. Lol. Please lead the path and hurt us all. That after we cry then we all would laugh

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