


"I'm so glad you're okay! I was so scared! We were so scared. Seth was losing it. We had to search for your phone everywhere! What sort of phone lock is that?"

Aubrey and Hazel shot me questions as we embraced and my heart warmed at the affection that everyone had for me. To me I was barely gone two hours since I was unconscious all through, but for them it was a lot more than that.

A lot more, and apparently, Seth had killed three guards because of me. That made me mad. I was supposed to protect, not cause my subjects to lose their lives. I had to have a conversation with him later.

Smiling at my friends, they confided in me all the things Seth did in my absence, and I saw myself thanking goddess I met people who loved me this way.

Xander pulled me in a big hug, "I'm so glad you are okay, little sis."

His words pulled at my heart strings. Who knew the evil Xander who killed mama had such a good heart?

Connor silently spoke with Seth and I watched them, feeling sorry for h
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