

"I'm going to open a portal for me and Bonez. We'll take down the shooters on the left. Reaper you take the two on the right. Me and Bonez will meet up, and I'll open another portal for us to take down the two in the middle."

I blink and Reaper is gone. I form a circle with my hands and pull them apart as if expanding the circle. Just like Kallista had been teaching me. Luckily a portal opens and Bonez jumps through. The second portal opens just behind my shooter. I snap his neck. He's not dead. Just incapacitated. The angelblade that I keep at my side appears in my hand. I swing the blade down and watch as his head seperates from his body. I use the gun propped on the hood of the SUV and take down as many foes as I can. I look to my left and see that Bonez has shifted and is doing the same thing.

I whistle to get his attention and motion for him to meet me. I open him a portal for the next shooter. I repeat the process for myself again. When I reach my shooter; I know the jig is up.
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