

I climb in my Jeep and peel out of the drive way. I don't know where to go. I can't go home to the house Aiden and I share because they will look there first. My father's compound will be second. 318 is out of the question as well. I bang my hands against the steering wheel in my frustated state. I have no fucking where to go.

Payne starts to argue. We shouldn't have left our mate. We almost lost him. We should be with him. We should've told those who thought themselves worthy of judging us to kiss our ass and go to hell.

All I can do is repeat the same thing over and over. I'm not you!

I drive until I find a hotel the next town over. I reach into my glove box and pull out my emergency credit card and driver's license. When I get to my room, I flop down on the bed. I'm exhausted. I go to reach for my phone, but realize in my haste to leave; I didn't grab it. Guess that's a good thing. They won't be able to track me. I head to the shower and wash the day away. I hate that I have to p
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