

Hanging up the call, Brandon's grandfather could not resist the emotion he felt at the mere fact of having spoken to his grandson. Finally, the companies would be his and not only that, it was completely secured, as well as his family name, as well as the power of that family, what else could happen if a child was already on the way?

And if he was ever worried about that question that investors asked him every time he saw them at meetings, now he could proudly say that his grandson was married and not only that, he was about to be a father.

He immediately dialed his daughter-in-law's number. The same one who was in Paris enjoying the life her son would never enjoy again.  

"Well? This is Victoria Lambert, how can I help you?”


"Oh, President Lambert!" Victoria said in astonishment.

She could still be the great Victoria Lambert, she could be as powerful as any other family but never more than her father-in-law, the father of the man who had been her husband and who would still be by her side if he had not died.  Victoria knew where her place was because every time the one who requested her presence or simply asked for her was her father-in-law, the great Mr. Lambert, the president of the big company.

"How are you doing?" asked Mr. Lambert, wanting to keep the surprise he had for her a little longer.

"Well, well, Mr. Lambert. It's good to be here.”

"Do you miss your son?”

" Yes, I always do. Although I understand that my son has become a businessman.”

"And boy, he is doing pretty well!”

"How... how is his marriage going?" Victoria asked, not really wanting to know.  

"Not much to say. He's finally learning the business here.”

"Is the woman good?”

"Since when has that ever mattered to you, Victoria? You know that as long as the woman is healthy, that's all there is to say, and you don’t care about that.”

"You're right, Mr. Lambert.”

"Whatever, I was just calling to give you some good news, the best news you've ever had, maybe.” 

“What is it? What's it about?”

"Victoria, you're going to be a grandmother soon. The long-awaited son is finally on his way. Finally Brandon becomes a father and the companies will be safe.”

Just silence on the other end of the line. There wasn't much she could say when it was all she could expect from him.

"Won't you say anything, Victoria?" Mr. Lambert asked.  

"Of course, it's just that surprise has come over me. Is it confirmed that the woman is pregnant?”

"No, not yet, but she was already on the gurney ready to be artificially inseminated." Said the grandfather.

"What, are you trying to say that it will be a child created in a laboratory?”

"What is the problem? In the end, it's Brandon's genes and those of the whole Lambert family, don't you think?” 

For a moment, Victoria didn't know what to say. It was good to know that her son had gotten entangled with a gold digger because only an unscrupulous gold digger could have signed a contract like that. On the other hand, though, she couldn't imagine being at home with a  son who had been created in a laboratory as she said.

"I'm so glad this is happening, President.”

"I assure you that I am the happiest with this news! There is nothing that can go wrong, a thousand studies were performed on her, I hired the best people to carry out this procedure, nothing will go wrong, I swear.”

"Please congratulate my son for me, please, President. Now I have to hang up. I'll see you later.”

"Good luck, Victoria.”

And without further ado, they both hung up. Mr. Lambert knew exactly what was going through that woman's mind. His only son would suddenly be married and not only that, he would be the father of the son of a bad woman, without class, without education. How wrong she was!

From the stairs, Brandon's grandmother was coming down with a bag in hand. She was probably on her way out.

"Going out?" asked Mr. Lambert to his wife.

"I plan to see my son and bring him flowers, why?”

"I think you'll have to take a rain check.”

"What are you talking about?” asked the puzzled wife.

"Why don't you take a seat and save that visit for later? I promise that what I have to tell you will make you forget everything.” 

"What are you talking about, is something wrong, did something happen with my grandson?" asked the woman, putting a hand to her mouth. She had always been an impulsive woman.

Grandfather laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" asked his wife.

"No, I just think you're being too exaggerated.”

"Tell me what's going on or I'll leave and we'll talk later.”

"Can I offer you something to drink to celebrate?”

"Celebrate what? I don't understand, stop talking in code, will you?”

President Lambert continued to laugh as he went to pour himself a drink, or rather, two.

 "What are you talking about?" the woman demanded to know.

With a smile on his face, President Lambert offered a drink to his wife as she took it, already waiting for his answer.

"I think we have the best grandson life has ever given us.”

"What are you talking about?”

"Your grandson, our grandson has finally saved our place in the business. A new member is on the way. Congratulations! You have a great grandson.”

Words failed the woman in front of her. That couldn't be, so soon, just a few days after Crystal's studies and now, she was already expecting the future heir of the Lambert company.   

"Don't you think that deserves a toast?" asked the president, already sipping his drink.


Still laughing at what he was doing to her while rubbing her cheek, he watched Crystal walk away.

"Come on, Miss, please!" insisted the doctor, taking her by the shoulders.

"Let go of me!”

Taking that as an opportunity, Brandon followed the doctor into the living room.

"Get the hell out of here!" Crystal demanded, still wanting to fight what she could no longer fight.

"I will if I want to!" said Brandon grabbing her by the wrists, forcing her to walk backwards.

"Get out of here!”

"You have my permission to tie her to the damn gurney if she intends to get out of here!" said Brandon to the doctors, without having compassion for her.

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