
My mate in the dungeon.

Chapter 44:

Oliver and Leia continued to run through the forest, not once looking back.

But after a while, Oliver stopped, and the girl did the same.

“They should not have spotted us right now, right?”

Leo’s nodded, her voice sounding desperate as she replied, “You think so?”

Oliver hummed in assent, and the two of them began walking some ways away.

Without even noticing, the two linked their hands together. Oliver kept himself alert - after all that had happened to him so far, it only made sense to be this paranoid.

He couldn’t allow himself to get complacent.

“Is everything alright, Oliver?” Leia asked, having noticed his jumpiness. “Is anyone following us?”

Oliver shook his head, but just at that moment, he heard a voice from far away, from the direction they had come in.

“Find them! Now!!”

The voice sounded furious, in fact, more than furious - murderous.

Oliver froze and he felt Leia do the same as she gasped beside him.

“Follow me,” Oliver finally said, trying to figure out what
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