

Eira’s POV

When I got to where the ring was and picked it up, I couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity I got from it.

I felt like I'd seen it before but I also felt like I'd never seen it before.

Maybe it belongs to Amoux, because I knew it definitely wasn't owned by Carla. After all, my family isn't as rich as that.

That also brought me to the question of where I saw it before..

I've never seen it with Amoux either, so maybe I should ask him about it.

I wrapped the ring safely around my waist and walked out of the room.

I checked all the rooms but I could find neither Carla nor Amoux until I left the house and went to Alpha Ryan's house to look for them.

That was when I saw Amoux, he was talking with Alpha Ryan and he looked absolutely angry. Alpha Ryan was trying to calm him down or explain some stuff to him but he doesn't look interested in his explanation.

I instantly quickened my steps and walked towards them to listen to their conversation.

“Grand Beta, those young wolves you are talking about were probably drunk. I'm sure they didn't mean what they said to Carla last night,” I heard Alpha Ryan's voice say persuasively to Amoux as he tried to calm Amoux down.

Carla came out for the festival last night?

What did the young wolves say to her that the Alpha king said they were probably drunk at that time?

“Eira, you are here,” Alpha Ryan called out immediately he noticed my presence, Amoux also turned around to look at me.

The depressed feelings I got from him when he left Carla's room some minutes ago were almost absent as it was now filled with rage.

“Alpha Ryan, Grand Beta,” I greeted the two of them since I can't call Amoux his name outside because he has a higher rank than me and that would be counted as a lack of social skills or disrespect of the hierarchical power.

They both nodded at me and looked at me as if expecting me to say more.

“Grand Beta, can I see you for a few minutes?”

“Sure,” Amoux mumbled after a while and asked Alpha Ryan for an excuse.

I nodded at Alpha Ryan as Amoux and I left his house and strolled out along the Pack house.

I started choosing the words to say in my head and seeing if it was proper before voicing them out.

Since I can't ask him if he and Carla had sex or not, I had to still have the right to ask him if it was just a one-night stand or if there was more to it.

I meant, if they were lovers now or they found out that they were mates or it's just only sex.

After seeing how they both reacted this morning, I was able to guess that it wasn't just normal sex.

Did Carla like him and he refused her because he just wants sex? I thought but shortly dismissed the thought because Carla has never shown or given any attitude that she likes Amoux.

“So, is there something going on between you and my sister?” I blurted out after a few minutes of silence.

Amoux halted in his steps immediately after my statement. I watched as his face altered into a frown and he sighed deeply as if he was trying to hold himself back from something.

Is he angry with Carla?

“No, there's nothing going on between us,” Amoux replied after a few minutes of silence.

“So this morning-”

“Nothing happened,” Amoux interrupted and started walking again.

When I saw that he doesn't seem interested in the matter, I decided to let it pass. Carla is not a child, she knows what is good for her and whatnot.

“When are we leaving?” I asked Amoux after I finally met up with him on the way back to the lodge.

“When we get back to the lodge,” he replied shortly after.

“Instantly? What about Carla I don't think she will be done yet,” I answered truthfully because I didn't see her when I was searching for Amoux a few minutes ago.

“We will give her some minutes, she doesn't have any stuff to pack so it would be easier,” Amoux replied in a clear and straightforward voice.

Hmm, maybe they just had a one-night stand then I concluded.

Oh, the ring!

My mind jolted back to the reason why I was looking for Amoux in the first place.

I quickly brought out the ring from my waist and showed it to Amoux, “uhm, Amoux. I saw this ring in Carla's room, does it belong to you?”

Amoux looked back at my outstretched hands to look at the ring and his expression immediately changed, “oh, I didn't realize I lost it already.” He answered and took the ring from my hand.

“Where did you get it from anyway? It's oddly familiar, I think I've seen it somewhere before.” I confessed and watched him put the ring in his chest pocket.

“I don't think you've seen it though, this ring belongs to Reagan's mate that was killed by the rogues,” Amoux answered.

Upon hearing his voice which was filled with grievances, I decided not to talk about the ring again.

Amoux said the ring belongs to the mate of the Alpha King but I have never seen her before, so where did I see the ring then?

I cracked my brain open for the last time. But I still couldn't remember where I’d seen it, so I decided to stop thinking about it.

Surprisingly when we got inside the house, Carla was already done and was waiting for us in the sitting room.

“I want to go and take a shower, Eira, can you and Carla go to Alpha Ryan's house and tell him that we will soon be leaving?” Amoux asked when he saw that he was the only one that wasn't fully ready yet.

“Sure,” I replied and glanced at Carla, who also mumbled her reply but I couldn't hear her.

Amoux also didn't wait around to listen to whether we replied to him or not as he went inside his room to do his business.

Carla and I left the house and went to Alpha Ryan's house as requested by Amoux, so it wouldn't be as if we left unannounced.

“So, you guys are leaving soon?” Brie asked as she looked at me adorably.

“Yes, Brie. I'm sorry I can't stay this time. When I'm done at the Deep Water, I will make sure to come and visit you,” I replied to Brie.

She's the mate of Alpha Ryan, we became fast friends yesterday when I helped their Beta's mate to deliver her pup.

“How's Rose and her new pup?” I added.

“She's okay, is this your sister you talked about yesterday?.. You guys didn't look alike at all.” Brie commented when she finally noticed that I came in with Carla.

“Yes, we heard that a lot from people, she looked more like our mother, I look like our father,” I answered truthfully since I had more of my father's features.

“She's really beautiful too, you guys' parents must really have good genes,” Brie concluded as she looked at us.

“Thank you,” Carla and I answered back sweetly.

It wasn't long after we arrived that we saw Alpha Ryan coming in with his Beta. I was able to recognize that it was him because he was the most restless yesterday.

He kept on asking me if Rose is gonna be okay continuously in a worried tone.

I almost thought the poor guy was gonna cry at some point.

“Eira,” The Beta called out loudly when he saw me.

“Beta James,” I reacted with a big smile on my face as he and Alpha Ryan approached.

“Oh, Eira, I already told you to stop adding Beta to my name, just call me James. I can't thank you enough for delivering my little pup yesterday,” James replied immediately after me.

“I'm sorry, James, Here, meet my sister Carla. Carla, this is James, the Beta of this Pack, " I quickly introduced Carla so she wouldn't feel left out.

“Hi, Carla, how are you?” James greeted her warmly with a smile.

“I'm fine, Beta James,” Carla graciously replied with a smile of her own.

“Alpha Ryan, we came to tell you that we would soon be leaving,” I countered immediately after the introduction ended.

“Oh, Alright, how about if James escorts you guys back out of the Pack? I think you guys are more familiar with each other,” Alpha Ryan issues an indirect order which I instantly agreed with.

I wouldn't mind if he had assigned anyone else to us but since it was James I felt a little better.

“Okay, I think we have to start going,” I said and bid Alpha Ryan and his Luna farewell then left the Alpha's house with Carla and James as we headed to the house that we were sharing with Amoux.

When we got to the house, Amoux had already shifted to his wolf form and was waiting outside the house.

When I saw his wolf, I was instantly surprised at how lone and aloof it looked. I couldn't help but glance at Carla to see if she had anything to do with it but I wasn't able to see anything as her expression was grim as usual.

Carla and I went to the backyard to undress and shift to our werewolf forms while James shifted to the same spot where Amoux was.

When we came out, Amoux hit his paw on the ground and we all started galloping toward the border of Alpha Ryan’s Pack.

With Amoux's swift race and James’ guidance, it didn't take up to a few minutes before we got to the border.

James howled loudly as he bid us farewell and galloped back in the direction of his Pack.

Now it remained Carla, Amoux, and I.

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