

Amoux’s POV

I looked at Carla back in shock with my eyes wide open.

Did I hear her correctly?

“You want me to disvirgin you?” I asked again to confirm that I really heard the correct words.

“Yeah, you said the Alpha King doesn't like virgins and I want to be sure that he wouldn't like Eira because we are both virgins, ” Carla answers in a slurred speech.

Oh my God! What's this girl asking me for?! Is this even reasonable? What the heck?

“You really want me to fuck you?” I asked again because I still couldn't believe that the girl I'd been lusting over was actually offering herself to me.

“Yes, ” Carla replied and subconsciously licked her full bottom lip.

I watched slowly as my sanity and morality vanished with the dim moonlight.

I hesitantly moved my right hand over her soft fair hands, I watched as my shaky hands fumbled over her and how soft they were under my firm ones.

I felt how delicate and smooth they were until they suddenly started heating up with my hands, the sudden fire of attraction immediately overwhelmed me.

“Amoux, ” Carla softly called my name as she shivered under the moonlight.

“Yes, sweet one, ” I say

“Would you be gentle?” Carla asked again as she blinked her gorgeous eyes at me, those pretty brown eyes looked like sparkling stars to me right now.

My throat tightens with desire. “I will go as slow as you want, sweet one,”

Her body shivered as I slowly moved my hands over the blouse and gradually unbuttoned the silk blue blouse she was putting on. This same blouse was one of the things I couldn't stop looking at when she knocked on my door a few hours ago because of how it molded her enormous breasts.

I slid my hands over her left breast and lightly curled my hands around it to feel its softness and bulge. I couldn't help but groan. I held her soft waist and instantly pulled her under me.

Seeing her brown eyes looking at me in expectation of what to come was what triggered the remaining gentlemanliness in me as I bent down and pulled one of her peach-colored nipples into my mouth, sucking on it slowly as I moved my hands all over her body.





The rising sun cast a mossy hue across the morning sky as beams flicker over my eyebrows. I blinked my eyes and subconsciously touched my left side for Carla because she fell on me last night after riding me to her climax.

That was when the powerful sense of empathy evolved around me. I watched as my body released an occurring mechanism that just wants to be closer and also be one with Carla.

My wolf was purring and protesting, it wanted to mark its mate.

That's when it finally dawned on me.

Carla Ralphs, the anti- social with a soft body and gorgeous brown eyes that I've been lusting over for a week ago, is my MATE.

I opened my eyes immediately when I finally processed the shock and looked over to the side.

Carla was still sleeping, I guess she didn't know yet.

What would she do?

My mind couldn't help but recall what happened last night.

Last night, she asked me to disvirgin her because I told her that Reagan doesn't like virgins.

Does that mean that she likes Reagan?


I haven't gotten over the shock of my sudden realization when Carla wakes up from sleep. I watched as she yawned and also how the reality that we were mates dawned on her too.

She should know the feeling, right?

Even if she's just 17, she should know that feeling that's only shared by mates.

I was half expecting her to purr softly in my hands and climb on me as she did last night while I was holding onto her wait as I plunged inside her, but I saw her face instantly frown.

“Carla?” I called out shortly after, for her to see that I was still there on the same wooden bed with her.

Carla raised her eyebrows at me and instantly held her head in pain.

Alarmed, I quickly rushed over to her, “Carla, are you okay?” I asked.

I have to protect her now, I must make sure that nothing bad happens to her.

She's not just Eira’s sister or the girl I'd love to fuck anymore. She's now my Mate.

“Don’t touch me, ” Carla shrieked and moved away from me.

“Carla, ” I called out as I tried to move closer to her again, but this time she hurried off the bed and wrapped the blankets all over her body.

My gaze subconsciously glanced upon her pale skin and curved buttock. Her ass cheeks were exactly as I remembered them.

“Don’t look at me, ” Carla shouted at me when she caught me staring at her buttocks.

“But I can, you are my mate, ” I answered back in a loud strong voice.

I couldn't ascertain my claim on her before because I thought it was just lust, but now that I know that she's my mate I had to let her know.

“No, I don't want you to be my mate, ” she shrieked at me.

“What?” I asked shocked, with my eyes wide opened.

“I said I don't want you to be my mate, ” Carla confessed.

“I, Carla Ralphs reject you Amoux Starhunter as my mate, ” Carla screamed the rejection chants at me but I couldn't hear a thing anymore.

“I don't want you to be my mate, I want the Alpha King, not you, ”

I was deaf to everything she said since I heard her say “No, I don't want you to be my mate, ” I've never felt so rejected in my whole life.

My own mate rejected me.

Even if I hadn't been searching for her as long as Reagan had been searching for his Mate, I was hoping to find her, but now that I found her, she rejected me because she's obsessed with my best friend.

I didn't know how to get down from the bed and started picking up my clothes from every corner of the bed. I couldn't even look at my body because it has evidence of what happened last night.

I was searching for my shoes when I heard the footsteps of someone coming towards Carla’s door.

“Carla, are you in there, ” I heard Eira’s voice coming right from the door.

“Aren’t you up yet? I can't find Amoux, I need to ask him when we are leaving. Did you happen to see him?”

We heard Eira’s voice again and Carla glared at me with my big brown eyes as if expecting me to disappear from her room.

I looked around again for my shoes as I heard the doors suddenly bolting open.

“Carla, Why aren't you-”




Eira’s POV

Yesterday night was more stressful than I thought it would be when I left the house that I was occupying with Carla and Amoux.

After helping the Beta’s mate to deliver her pup safely, Alpha Ryan offered for me to stay in their pack which I refused graciously. I was so exhausted when I left the Alpha’s house and went to the festival to check if Amoux later came out from his room for the festival.

I didn't bother to check on Carla because she already said she wouldn't be coming out and I knew my sister, she's very persistent.

If she said she wouldn't come out, she wouldn't. Unless she feels like she wants to.

I knew that she was so exhausted from the journey because she had never traveled that far before.

That's also the second reason why I didn't bother to check if she later left her room for the festival or not.

When I later saw Amoux, it was just traces of him as he rushed inside the house that we were all occupying. I didn't know what was happening, so I decided not to go after him and wait for him outside but my mind later escaped it.

It was this morning after I woke up that I remembered that I saw him rushing into the house, and I decided to check up on him in his room but I couldn't find him.

But he came inside last night, did he come out later?

Maybe I should ask Carla if she had seen him.

I walked to my sister’s room with heavy steps as I was still very much tired from the aftermath of all the stress I went through last night.

“Carla, are you in there, ” I called out and waited patiently for an answer but I didn't receive any.

She should be awake right? She's a morning person and she's usually the first to wake up in our family.

“Aren’t you up yet? I can't find Amoux, I need to ask him when we are living. Did you happen to see him?” I asked again when I thought she probably didn't want to reply to me as she was having her usual morning tantrums?

After a few minutes and I still didn't receive a reply, I instantly got alarmed.

Is she not inside?

“Carla, why aren't you..”

I couldn't finish my statement as I opened the door and saw Carla wrapped in a blanket with her hair disheveled as if she just woke up after a deep romance.

I turned my head and looked at the other person in the room and was shocked that it was Amoux. He was fully dressed except for the fact that he was barefooted and his hair was also not in place.

Carla, wrapped in a blanket, with an after a deep romance hair - Amoux, barefooted.. I looked at the two of them as I connected the dots in my head.

I watched as Amoux picked his shoes up from under the table and left the room angrily and depressed. My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I heard him slam the door shut.

What happened here?

I looked at the ruffled bed and could still see Carla’s clothes scattered all over the bed.

Oh. I don't know that Carla and Amoux had something going on..

“Carla, what happened, ” I turned my eyes and looked at my baby sister who never for once listened to me except when she wished.

“Don’t talk to me, leave me alone, ” Carla said as she scoffed at me.

Okay, I was expecting that.

“Can you at least tell me if he was just a one night stan-”

“Why did you fucking care, I said don't fucking talk to me, ” Carla interrupted me before I could finish my words.

I sighed heavily as I watched her pick up her clothes and rushed out of the doors with her clothes and her shoes in her hands.

Amoux left angrily,

Carla is also upset?

What the hell happened here last night?

I didn't know what happened but I'm sure of one thing, and that is my baby sister is no longer a virgin.

I didn't know if I should be jealous that she had sex before me or I should be angry that she lost her virginity to someone we just met a week ago.

We haven't even got to Deep Water yet and she's already creating trouble.

I was about to leave when I caught sight of a shining sapphire ring on the edge of the bed.

The closer I got to it, the more familiar it was.

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