
Try carrying your cross yourself

/Grey’s POV/

“Can I talk to you for a few seconds?” I speak up, gesturing at Kyle after leaving everyone to jubilate for a while.

“As long as you people talking means that I get take my bestie inside, then you guys will be joining us later, then I am super cool with that,” she tables her condition while I stop to process what she is saying especially because Kyle keeps acting like he doesn’t know that I just want to get rid of the talkative blonde so that we can talk in private.

“Whatever sails your boat,” I reply to her because I will subscribe to anything just to get her off my track.

“I like that…” she says sending me an exaggerated wink while shaking her body back and forth.

“I know that we are going to get along so well,” she says as she moves from my side and goes away from the window.

“What the hell man?” I mouth to Kyle as soon as Miss Blonde’s attention is focused on talking to my little crush.

“Calm down man! I got this,” he assures me, and I hiss because he is ac
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