
We found the Doctor

After dropping her daughter off at her place, Susan drove off. She was heading to her office. She hadn’t bothered to go into Elena’s apartment. She had simply dropped the girls off and driven off.

She told Nina to text her if there was anything they needed.

Susan could not place what exactly was wrong with Elena. She couldn’t understand Elena’s attachment to this man. She had studies her daughter all through the court proceedings and noticed how engulfed she had been the whole time. It was as if she was the one been sentenced. Susan understood what love was. Her husband, Dave had been her high school sweetheart and they had been in love ever since. So she knew what love was. But she couldn’t explain what she had seen in her daughter that day.

The look! She was concerned. To make matters worse, the guy, Cameroon had been found guilty. So her daughter had been going around with a murderer! she was upset. And more, she was afraid. She had to find a way to get he

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