
Why is he asking now?

Chapter 30; Why is he asking for me now?

The woman who had attacked Elsie earlier chatted happily with her friends. They enjoyed her company and her interest in the famous poet Poe.

Suddenly, she was pulled by a strong, fierce hand, dragging her away from the crowd she was entertaining.

She couldn't help but hurl insults at him. "You mannerless peasant dog! How dare you attack me in such a manner? You dare lay a finger on me, huh? Do you know who I am?"

The lady was so furious that her breathing became erratic. She glared angrily at the bulky fellow for the stunt he had pulled. She also noticed that her expensive dress had been torn at the collar, revealing her black bra. She felt very embarrassed, and her face turned red. Placing a hand on the tear, she yelled at the beastly-looking fellow, "Look at my expensive dress! How dare you touch it? Do you know how much I paid for this dress? It's more than your two months' salary!"

The women she had heartily chatted
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