
Chapter 443 A Note from a Decade ago

"Lady Qu, may I join you there?" Liu Jingyu stood firmly at the door, not in a rush to leave, and pointed to the stone table under the tree in the courtyard.

Qu Moying glanced behind her and didn't see her maid following closely. She nodded thoughtfully.

The two of them approached and settled on the stone bench in front of the stone table. Yu Dong called the Granny from Furong House, and asked her to prepare tea and snacks.

The Granny was recently promoted, so she was eager to please and quickly sent the maid to prepare the refreshments.

"Lady Qu, may I ask if anything like this has happened to Third Lady Qu in the past?" Liu Jingyu asked as soon as she sat down.

"I am not certain. You should know that I don’t live here before." Qu Moying calmly replied, watching Yu Dong busily attending to the maidservants and hastening the tea service. She subtly curved her lips.

Liu Jingyu fell silent for a momen

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