
Chapter 5

Lydia was brought forward to speak, and before she could make a statement of any significant background, she received a heavy slap from Gord.

"How dare you disrespect the dead Lycan king?"

Lydia grew fear instantly.

"How dare you speak about my late king in a manner that is not befitting of him?"

Lydia could see the anger and bitterness in Gord's voice. For a moment, I thought she was going to retaliate, and fight back. Instead of doing that, she just submitted immediately and apologized for her actions which both surprised me, and the women who had heard Lydia express her view in the dungeon.

When Ariel was done taking to Lydia, he faced me and told me to come forward. I obeyed and moved forward as I wondered what I was going to say to defend myself if I was being accused of killing the Lycan king.

"You were present on the day that my father shared his last breath with us?" Ariel’s question was straightforward.

"Yes!" I answered truthfully.

"And, from the information that I got from Gord, you were the lady of interest that my father had in his eyes. You were the one he wanted to spend the night with."

"Yes," I answered, feeling slightly ashamed of myself.

"You can return to your initial position."

I returned to my initial standing position, struggling to breathe properly as I felt like someone who had just escaped a terrible fire that was going to burn me if I was not careful enough.

When the questions had been completed, the second son of the king, Darius raised his voice to inform me and the women in the room that after much deliberation, the killer of their father was yet to be found, and that we had to remain in the dungeon until they figured out what they were going to do with us.

Line by line, Gord led us back to the dungeon without smiling or looking at us in the face. He was still angry at the way Lydia choose to address the Lycan King.

At the dungeon, Tila opened her mouth to speak her mind. She was completely dissatisfied with Lydia's submission to Gord and the Lycan King's son. She felt that it made all of us look like cheap meat in front of people who had invaded our village and taken us away from the people that we loved.

Lydia didn't say anything to Tila. She was too ashamed to say anything.

By afternoon, Gord came to the dungeon and opened the gate for only me to come out. He informed me that I had been summoned by Darius, the second son of the Lycan king who seemed interested in finding out an information from me. Something which greatly terrified me.

After asking Gord if there was something I had done wrong, and getting a confirmation that I had done nothing wrong, I followed Gord to meet Darius who was in his private chamber adoring the beautiful flowers that were growing.

"You can leave us now, Gord," Darius informed Gord. "Your work of bringing her here is done. There is no need for you to be here while we discuss private matters."

Gord listened to Darius' words and left us alone. He shut the door behind us quietly before proceeding to carry out a task that only him was aware of.

"So, my father is finally gone," Darius spoke with so much mixed feelings that it was hard to tell where is mind was at the moment. "So, my father has been taken away from me and the wish of my enemies has been granted."

I didn't respond. I didn't respond to Darius because I didn't know what to say to him.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked Darius as I looked into his eyes, sensing a feeling of lost developing within him.

"Not at all," Darius responded, standing up. "You didn't do anything wrong, Angelina. If there was an honest way to answer your question, I would say that the only thing you have done wrong is to be beautiful."

I was shocked as Darius locked his eyes with mine before licking his lips in a manner that made me wonder if he was slightly drunk.

"I think it is best for me to leave," I suggested before attempting to stand up.

"Don't leave," Darius said to me. "I don't want you to leave. I want you to be here with me, figuring out how my father was murdered by people who want him dead by all cost."

"I don't know how to do that," I informed him. "I barely know your father apart from the fact that he is a..."

"A wicked man," Darius interrupted me before laughing out loudly.

I watched as he took a glass of wine, and drank it slowly before placing it on the table.

"I have to be honest here," Darius said to me. "The first day I saw you, I wondered what was in you that fascinated my father so much. But, seeing you talk about my father like someone who doesn't give a shit about him is making me to understand why my father was interested in you in the first place."

"I have no idea of what you are talking about," I rolled my eyes just to make sure he understood the point I was trying to make.

"Sadly, I would love to believe you, but I can't especially since my father was murdered in his private room by people who he probably didn't believe is capable of killing him." Darius pulled his clothes as he moved closer to me.

"What are you trying to do to me?"

"Shut your mouth, bitch!"

I screamed as Darius dragged me to his bed. He was completely naked in less than a minute, and before he could pounce on me, his elder brother, Ariel entered the room and dragged him to a standing position.

"Darius, what has gotten inside your head?" Ariel screamed in fury.

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