
Chapter Four

Stand off:

Levi’s eyes shot up looking at the direction the arrow came from. A tall man was walking towards her. He was walking slowly, he was in no hurry. Levi knew Rose was gone. She knew she should run but the anger pitted in her stomach, the rage coursing through her. He was going to die. If it was the last thing she did. She was going to kill him. 

Slowly. Cahire added in their mind as Levi slowly put Rose down and stood up. 

He was massive as he came into view, his black hair slicked matched the color of his eyes. He grinned seeing her square off with him. His mind automatically wants to break her strong will. He would capture her and would take time and have fun breaking her.  Did she not realize who she was squaring off with? 

Cahire pushed strength to Levi, her body shaking from the overload of emotions and flood of strength. Her mind thought about sinking her teeth into his throat and ripped the flesh from it. She began walking towards him. Her body getting a rush of calmness as she approached him, the world going almost soundless as she reached him. He flashed a smile to her his own claws coming out of his finger tips. Levi had never retracted hers. 

“You're dead.” Levi said to him, her voice chilling as the words came out with no emotion.

His smile widens as he sees her. Hearing the words coming from her mouth, he begins to chuckle. The chuckle turns into a laugh and pretends to wipe a tear from his eye. Levi doesn't fault, she stays still. Her mind thinking about how she was going to kill him.

“Do you not know who I am, girl?” He laughs and lets out a small breath.

“Your a deadman.” Levi said her voice not faulting as she said the sentence. Her anger and rage hidden beneath it.

“Oh I am going to have fun with you.” He growled, stepping towards her, hsi hand going to grab her.

Levi dodges his reach, slashing her claws through his forearm, as she rolls out of the way her other hand goes to his torso wanting to shove her claws into his abdomen but she misses, leaving long slashes across his stomach. She squares off again just on the other side of him. He lets out a loud growl, blood dripping down his forearm. He presses his hand to his abdomen, his hand turning red as blood drips from the two long claw marks.  He laughed looking down at his hand.

“What's your name Lass?” He growled as he shifted his stance going to stand off with her.

“Levi. It will be the last thing you hear before I kill you.” Levi growled running at him, 

He grinned while waiting for her. As she ran into him, her claws out, he waited for timing it perfectly. She was too angry, too filled with rage to see her error. He waited for to be just close enough and he slammed his claws into her abdomen. She let out a gasp feeling her skin rip, her body punctured. He grinned but his expression quickly changed as he looked down at his own body. Both Levi’s claws were slammed into his body. One was punched into the side of his abdomen and the other in her upper chest.

“I don't care if i die as long as you do in the process.” Levi growled as he pulled his claws from her abdomen.

He backed away from her slowly, surprised and confused at how this happened. 

Her claws pulled slowly out of him as he stepped back.

“You're reckless.” He coughed as he applied pressure to his wounds.

“At Least you’ll die.” Levi said holding her stomach the pain starting to get to her. 

“You think this will kill me.” He attempted to laugh but it came out in a cough instead.

“Hopefully you’ll bleed out slowly.” Levi said, leaning back against a tree. 

"Silly girl, you missed anything important. I'll heal and you'll wish that your wound would have killed you." Derek growled at her.

She let out a small breath trying to conserve her energy. He wasn't worth a response. She could see the men running towards them. She needed to heal to fight. If not she would die killing as many as possible of them. She let out another slow breath still feeling wetness drip down her side. She groaned slightly trying to get up right so she could have a better stance to fight them off.

"Don't bother. You are hurt too bad. Just accept your fate." Derek grinned.

Levi narrowed her eyes at him. If she could get enough energy she could rip his throat out. see who would be laughing and grinning then. The men were closing the distance between them. She stood ready waiting.

A flash of light lit up the sky behind them. Red glowing amber danced from tent to tent. Trees became flamed. Derek whipped around seeing his camp and packed on fire. Levi looked confused as the men running towards her stopped in their tracks. They nearly fell over each other as they stopped and turned to see what was happening. 

"Levi ran." Brandon's voice sounded in her mind She watched the camp go up the flames She wanted to stay. She wanted to watch it all burn but if she ever wanted to kill Derek that she was going to have to leave and come back.

quotation mark where are you going girly? " Derek said as he watched Levi begin to back away.

She didn't answer, she just shook her head glaring at him. He began moving towards her. He was going to stop her. She was not getting away from him. He moved quicker than her. She didn't understand how he had two wounds; she had one hers ached every time she moved. I feel the blood become heavier flow every time she moved.

 we need to shift. I can get us out of here, you'll heal quicker in wolf  form you know this.  Cahira said sharply in her mind.

You know we're not allowed to shift. Levi said quickly back to her trying to back away some more.

"You're not going to get away from me." Derek said to her, stepping towards her.

We have no choice but to do it now while there's only one of them. Cahira growled at her.

fuck fine. Levi sent that giving into the pull to shift.

Cahira didn't give Levi a second to reconsider. She pushed the shift, letting her body begin to turn and twist into the wolf form. It took seconds and it was a little unbelievable because she hardly ever shifts but before she realized it they were in her wolf form. a form she had been forbidden to take ever since her first shift. 

Derek froze in place staring at the wolf in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes as breath got caught in his throat. He never thought that it was real. in front of him stole that was the color of sunshine the fur on it seemed to shimmer like lights. The bright green eyes narrowed at him as it took off into the woods. He stood there staring after it as if he couldn't believe what he had just seen. 

"Alpha we need to get going everything is burning." Kurt said, coming up and grabbing Derek's shoulder.

"It's real." was all Derek managed to say back to Kurt.

"Alpha, we need to leave." Kurt repeatedly tried to get his attention; he didn't understand what was going on with Derek.

"Legend's real. That freaking dumb story they told us as kids. Its fucking real and she's going to be mined. I need scouts after her now." Derek said, grabbing Kurt by the throat.

“Alpha the camp.” Kurt said as her voice broke.

“Fuck the camp. Send men after her” Dereck growled, dropping him to his knees.

“Yes Alpha.” Kurt said, trying to suck air back into his lungs. 

‘What are you waiting for?” Derek growled, shoving him with his foot.

“Alpha your hurt.” Kurt said, getting to his feet.

Derek growled, stepping forward slamming his closed fist into Kurt's face. Kurt’s tooth ripped through his lower lip as Derek’s fist made contact with his face. A second blow struck Kurt’ nose, cracking it. 

“If she gets away, I will gut you.” Derek screamed as Kurt tried to realize everything that just happened, his hand going to his nose as blood began to pour from it. 

“Go.” Derek yelled.

Kurt nodded rapidly and ran off to find a small number of men to chase the girl. He was not even sure who they were chasing or why but he was not going to ask anymore questions. He had received the message from Derek loud and clear. 

“Beta Kurt.” A pack member said quickly as he tossed water on one of the tents that were on fire. 

“You and six other men come with me now. Ask no questions.” Kurt demanded.

“Beta are you ok?” The young man said, looking at him wide eyed.

“Yes, do as I say or you won't be.” Kurt growled at him.

The young man nodded and went to round up several other men. Kurt looked around at what had been their home for the last few weeks. What had happened? How did the fire start? Who was this she Alpha was talking about.

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