
chapter 115


I don’t know how long we stay like that, groping and kissing each other in the darkness, but I’m flushed with arousal by the time Archer breaks away from me. He rolls me onto my back and crawls down my body, settling between my legs as Dare traces the shell of my ear with his tongue.

I squirm as the pleasant tickle of Dare’s wicked tongue sends sparks down to my clit, and when Archer presses his lips to the inside of my thigh, I whimper. He works his way up my leg slowly, teasing me as Dare kisses me deeply. When he reaches the aching spot between my thighs, he bumps his nose against my clit, making a little zing of pleasure shoot through me.He drags his tongue between my folds, and I let out a heavy, hungry sigh as Dare rests on one elbow to look down at me. I expect Archer to lick me again—my body is taut and ready for it—but instead, he draws back. I glance down at him as he tilts his head up to meet my gaze.

“Can I ask you a question?” he murmurs.

I nod, practically holding
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