
147 : A Cold Distance


Elijah strides into the conference room. He doesn't look at me, not even a flicker of acknowledgment in his cold gaze. An aura of icy authority clings to him, making the air crackle with tension. He moves with a predatory grace, each deliberate step echoing in the sudden silence. Reaching the table, he doesn't pull out a chair near me.

Instead, with a sharp scrape, he drags a chair to the far end, maximizing the distance between us. Only then does he sit, his posture rigid, his jaw clenched tight. My brows furrow as I watch him, a knot of unease tightening in my gut.

A wave of emotions crashes over me – anger, confusion, and a yearning so intense it takes my breath away. But above all, it's the longing that steals the show. Seeing him after so long… My pulse quickens, a frantic drumbeat against my ears. Every muscle in my body tenses, caught between the urge to lash out and the desperate yearning to reach out to him.

But his gaze doesn't meet mine, his eyes distant and unreadabl

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