
69 : Mr. Snowman Needs To Explain A Lot


Elijah helps Ezra take aim, and strangely, Ezra lets him. They target the rabbit jumping on the screen, similar to my heart that races. He’s here.

“Focus. Now shoot,” Elijah encourages him. Ezra lands two more shots and wins the game.

The owner smiles at Ezra as he hands him the snow globe. “Good job, boy. Your dad came at the right time.”

My heart skips a beat at the shopkeeper's words. Elijah really looked like a father helping his son win the game.

Elijah’s gaze shifts towards me, his deep eyes scrutinizing me. The long black overcoat he wears over his black shirt outlines his broad shoulders, and his face looks more chiseled and defined. And the scar running down his left eye—I don’t know how he got it, but it somehow makes him look even hotter.

“Mommy! I won!” Ezra jumps and shows me the snow globe. “Did you see how I shot down that last rabbit? Pow! Pow!” He mimics a gun with his free hand, and I chuckle.

“How could I miss it? My Ezzie is a great shooter.” I ruffle his hai

If I had a playlist for this book, the song 'Do you want to build a snowman? ' would have been for Elijah. XD. Also thank you for all the lovely gems. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

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