
77 : Cute To Tease


I yank Verena by her wrist, and she muffles a gasp as she falls on my chest. When she looks up, her green eyes glare at me through the darkness of the room. “You—” she whispers.

“Wanted to sleep with me so badly? You could have said so.” I tease with the edge of my lips lifting in a smirk. But my mind is elsewhere, focused on her soft breasts pressing on my waist, not very far from my pants.

I want to play with them, but I keep that thought to myself.

Rena’s eyes shoot daggers at me. “I have no intention of sleeping with you. I came here to give you the pillow.” She points at the white pillow that’s on the floor now.

“Oh really? Then why is your heart racing?” I ask seductively and enjoy the soft red hue on her cheeks as she blushes. So cute.

“I—I am not.” She denies, her voice betraying her intentions.

I slowly snake my arms over her waist, making her gasp. My fingers run down her curves. “How about now? Hmm. I smell something…maybe that’s you getting wet—”

“Shut up!” She yell
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goodnovel comment avatar
wonderful book , i love it

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