
78 : Fear Love


His sudden question shocks me. Nixie. Have I seen her before anywhere?

“No, I don’t think so. If I did, I can’t remember,” I reply.

Elijah hums in thought. “I see. Nixie seems to have a strange obsession with you. She wears your clothes and uses your perfume.”

My brows shoot up. “She does?” That’s news to me.

“Mhmm. When I confront her about it, she flies off the handle and her goody-two-shoes facade breaks,” he adds while his brow furrows.

Well, she does act like a goody-two-shoes to fool people. Now that he said it, I remember Nixie wearing my black dress at the exhibition four years ago. I didn’t make much out of it back then, just considered it to be another one of her annoying tactics.

But now it makes sense! It looks like she is trying to copy me.

“Why do you think she’s doing all this?” I ask.

Elijah sighs while his eyes look into the distance. “I speculate that she and you have some kind of connection. Maybe she has met you before and you don’t remember?”

I purse my lips

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Welsina Sekanka
This is a fantastic book, I love the characters, the way you write, beautiful!!
goodnovel comment avatar
i want to read more... please !

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