
84 : The Twins


“Drake! Dory!” I yell their names and pull them into a tight hug.

“Luna!” Dory squeals as I wrap my arms around her. Maybe it's because of how stressed I have been that I am acting like a child. But I can’t hold back the tears in my eyes as I see them.

I break the hug and look at them. They look different.

They have both grown and are adults now.

Drake isn’t that scrawny kid anymore. He’s all buffed out with broad shoulders and is taller than I remember. His brown hair, maybe a shade darker, is still short and messy, kind of like it always was. And those brown eyes match the brown leather jacket he’s wearing over a white t-shirt and ripped jeans that frame his muscular legs.

But his eyes hold that same glint of mischief. “Holy shit! I barely recognize you! How long has it been?” he asks, smirking playfully at me while he has one hand on his jeans pocket. I am sure he garners a lot of attention from the ladies back at the pack.

Dory slaps his arm, glaring at him. “Four years, idi


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