
Dylan's Change

Diana’s mind went blank.

The next thing she knew, her feet had already moved to where the deep voice was coming from. It was like a spell, so deep, that it pulled her consciousness and rationality away from her.

Eyes filled with unshed tears, hands trembling from excitement and fear, Diana slammed herself into the six-foot bare chest man before her.

Her arms circled his waist as she buried her face in his chest. The moment she smelled the familiar scent of her mate, her heavy heart finally lightened up. Tears could not be stopped anymore, Diana let out a heart-wrenching sob, letting her shoulders tremble as her grip around him tightened—as if she was afraid that everything was merely a part of her hallucination.

Gone was the brave Diana who forgot she was even pregnant. Gone was the iron-blooded Luna who stood straight amid the adversities being thrown at her.

What was left was a woman who had missed her man—her security blanket, her comfort haven, and her partner.

“Stupid! Stupi

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