
Chapter 4 HIS NAME

Beatrice’s POV

Town of Fabrice.

Living in this town for about six years made me realize many things about life and love. People used to hate someone like me but eventually, I found someone whom I trusted my whole life.

It’s so hard to move on. It’s painful that your destiny won’t acknowledge you—wanting you to vanish for the rest of his life.

Despite her ruthlessness toward me way back then, I admit that at that moment, under the moonlight, the Goddess finally favored me for once.

I rejected my mate. He was an Alpha while I was only an omega. I never expected my refusal would work. The initial pain of the broken bond was indeed unbearable, but soon I felt nothing but relief.

I was finally free.

Leaving that sad place, my feet led me here to Fabrice, a town filled with outcasts. This place has been home to various creatures for centuries—fairies, witches, hybrids, humans—anyone who doesn't seem to fit into society. I believed it was a second chance the Goddess had given me.

“Love? You’re up early,” Dylan said as he walked in my direction.

I smiled at him as he greeted me with a soft kiss on my forehead.

“I have a lot of things to do at the shop. Breakfast? Let me—”

“Hey, hold on. Your fiancé is a well-earning doctor, and we have enough maids to take charge of the chores. You don't need to worry about it," he cut the hum of my words as he pulled me closer to him, enveloping me with his wide arms.

I felt my cheeks heat up when his kisses traced down my neck.

"D-Dylan," I couldn't help but moan out when his hand caressed down my curve and his finger thrust into my folds. My knees weakened. Damn, this is how Dylan’s effect on me over the years.

I met Dylan six years ago. The darkest time of my life.

I arrived in this town and had a hard time getting the courage to start a new life only to find out I was pregnant. I felt the cruelty of fate again.

I went into a depression and my temper lost control. I once tried to jump off the cliff to end my ridiculous life but Dylan passed by and stopped me. He was a doctor but it was hard for me to trust others, especially men.

But Dylan was different. He never gave up on me. He was patient, caring, and having faith in me. With his help, I managed to give birth to my lovely twins. The first moment I saw my lovely babies, I felt reborn and Dylan was the Angel who led me to the new world.

Parenting was a sweet and grueling process but I made it through. My children thrived, I started my own tailoring shop and was in love with Dylan. A month ago, he proposed to me, making me the happiest woman in the town.

"Arh, arh-Dylan! I'm coming!"

My loud moans echoed around the room. I didn't have to hide it because Dylan had soundproofed this room when I moved in. We didn't have to worry about our fun being loud to the kids. He was like a real father to my twins. I loved him with all my heart.

“I missed you before you even left.” I watched him fondly as he dressed. Dylan will be on a trip and I won’t be able to see him for days.

“Know that I will miss and love you always, love. Don’t worry. I’ll call whenever I’m free,” Dylan replied with a smile lingering on his lips.

"Tell the kids I'll miss them too." Dylan gave me a deep kiss goodbye when we reached the doorway. He had an early flight so we chose not to wake the kids.

"Have a safe trip. Call me after landing." I said.

After watching my love away, I went to get the kids up for breakfast.

“Mommy, are we going to call Uncle Dylan Dad soon?” Cazz, my daughter suddenly asked at the table.

"I don't want to call him that. What if we meet our real father one day?" Laz, my son said with a frown.

"Laz," I sighed looking at my son. He's a total copy of his father. Yet different from Lucas, my son always deserved my love.

"You can call Dylan as you like, honey," I rubbed his hair. "Now we have to go, or you'll be late for school."

Heard my evasions, Laz stopped his questions but silently carried his backpack. At the same time, Cazz took out her lollipops sharing with us. I smiled as I realized my sweet angel was trying to ease the air between me and her twin brother.

"Remember, no matter what happens, Mommy will always love you guys." I kissed their foreheads each to promise. And then, we set off from home.

I waved goodbye before driving to my shop. However, Laz's question still lingered in my mind. The topic of their father was so complicated that I wanted to wait until they were old enough to talk about it. I don't want to break the happy life we're having now.

“Good morning, Beatrice.” Katie greeted me as I stepped into the shop. She was my friend as well as my assistant.

"Good morning, Katie." I smiled at her as I went toward my office desk. "Any new orders today?"

Katie handed me the iPad and smiled. “Check it out.”

“Thanks." I started to scan the files one by one. “Hope we're lucky. It’s been a month since the last time we gave service to a big fish.”

Big fish: it’s the term that we always use when describing rich and powerful customers.

"I know,” Katie  chuckled. "Dylan’s birthday is swiftly approaching and you need enough budget to prepare your dear fiancé a big surprise."

"Yes," I nodded. "I've been too busy the last couple of years to prepare for it."

“Come on, Dylan never minded. After all, you'll repay him in some other way.” Katie  winked at me, "I bet you two must have had a lovely morning today."

"Katie !" I stopped her with my face blushing.

"Then you should have worn a silk scarf today, honey." She pointed to my neck and teased, "The love mark he left on you is shining."

"How could it be possible? I remember I checked it. "I quickly covered my neck as I got a mirror. There was nothing on my neck and I soon realized Katie  was joking as I caught her bending over in laughter.

"Katie !" I huffed looking at her.

"I apologize, honey. Let's talk back to the list." She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. "I do remember we have a big fish today.”

“Are you sure there’s a big…” I frowned as she flipped the screen, doubting if any new jokes were awaiting me.

My heart felt like stop beating when I saw the familiar name Katie  pointed to.

Lucas Moretti. Moon Stone Pack.

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