
11: My girlfriend


I knew Demian wouldn't stop asking about our kids. I tried to steer the conversation away, but I know he was very clear about why he came to see me. I have no idea how he found out, but he did and that was a big problem.

I panicked, but I tried to calm down so he wouldn't notice my desperation.

Seeing those eyes brought back a thousand memories from the past. Seeing him shocked me. I had never gone so long without seeing Demian, but after the divorce, everything changed. It was inevitable to think about how much I loved him. But I couldn't dwell on his beauty and memories. The past no longer existed.

There was a knock on the door. I felt a pinch of relief because it was my way of getting rid of Demian. However, my werewolf senses detected the scent of a perfume I knew well: Jeremy's perfume.

I didn't know what to do. Should I open the door? If I did, Demian would realize that his ex-best friend was here. I didn't owe him anything, but I knew it could create a conflict between the three of us.

"Dana? Are you okay? I heard you arguing with someone," I heard Jeremy's voice. He knocked again.

Demian looked at the door and then at me. He looked confused, as he also recognized Jeremy's voice. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me angrily. He opened the door and found Jeremy.

My heart raced. I started feeling dizzy because of the situation. I needed to lie down.

Demian looked furious at Jeremy. I saw him clench his fists, and his breathing quickened. I knew Demian when he was angry, and this was part of it.

"Can I know what you're doing here?" Demian asked, his tone threatening.

"No. The question is what are you doing here," Jeremy barged into the apartment. He almost pushed Demian to get in.

Demian kept his eyes on Jeremy, who stood by my side.

"Dana," Demian said, annoyed.

I feared he might do something.

"You don't have to be here," I said. "Why are you looking for me? We're not husband and wife anymore. We're divorced. Remember? Go back to your wife!"

"What is he doing here?" he demanded to know.

"It's none of your business what I'm doing here," Jeremy spoke. "You have no right to claim her if that's what you're thinking of doing. You cheated on her, abandoned her, and went off with her stepsister. You've sunk low, Demian."

For a moment, I feared he might hit Jeremy, but he didn't. However, the look Demian gave Jeremy scared me. Something told me this conversation wouldn't end well.

I don't know how he found me, but he had to leave before he asked more questions about the babies. I didn't care if Demian wanted to reproach me for dating his ex-best friend, but I begged him not to inquire about my pregnancy.

I took Jeremy's hand. Demian noticed and got upset.

"Why are you holding his hand?" he wanted to know, but Demian knew the answer. "Are you two dating? Are you a couple?" He laughed. "You divorce one and go off with his best friend! Wow, Dana!"

Really? He impregnated my stepsister! Demian had no right!

"Yes, Dana and I are dating. We're a couple," Jeremy intervened. I didn't even know why he didn't take his flight, but I was glad he was here to save me. "And you have no right to claim anything because you're the one who abandoned her."

"Don't interfere, Jeremy. Don't pretend you care about what happened between Dana and me! You always loved her. It was a blessing for you when we divorced."

"I'm a better man than you. I'll give her the happiness you couldn't provide. And I'll never cheat on her with her stepsister like you did."

Demian approached Jeremy and pushed him, causing our hands to separate.

"No!" I tried to stop the fight. "Demian, leave! I don't want you here! You're not welcome in my house." I stepped in between them as Jeremy tried to defend himself.

"I can't believe it, Dana! You keep me away from my son. And then you hook up with my best friend! I don't recognize you! I'm disgusted by what you've done," he yelled angrily. Demian was so angry and hurt. I had never seen him like this.

But it didn't matter.

"You left me! Why do you care?"

I had so many things to say to him, but they all got stuck in my throat. Tears escaped from my eyes, feeling foolish for not knowing how to act in this situation.

"I want you to leave my girlfriend's house," Jeremy warned.

"Congratulations, Jeremy! You got the girl you always loved from the shadows. I should have punched you when I found out."

"Go away, Demian!" I pointed to the door.

He looked at me with resentment. It hurt. The person I loved the most looked at me with disgust, and it burned. I wanted to cry in a corner.

The dizziness increased its power. I felt like I was going to faint at any moment.

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