

When Amanda got home, she paced the length of the living room, her hands trembling as she watched the clock tick past 3 a.m.

Anger bubbled within her, mingling with the overwhelming need to confront James about the devastating secrets she had unearthed.

How could he still be at the club wasting away the time he was supposed to spend with his daughter?

Amanda visualized it, he might be with a blondie for the night, having the best moments of his life and she was at home, devastated over the heart-breaking truth she just uncovered. How could he be so cruel?

The dimly lit house seemed to mock Amanda’s anguish as she relinquished so many thoughts, the silence at the end which she was receiving, a stark reminder of the truth that had shattered her world.

As the minutes stretched into hours, Amanda's resolve wavered—should she wait for James or take matters into her own hands?

Her mind raced with the possibilities, each thought fueling the storm of emotions that raged within her.

Memories of her family's tragic fate bled into the reality of her present, the weight of their suffering pressing down on her shoulders.

As she wrestled with the idea of having to get a divorce, Amanda couldn't ignore the nagging voice in her head urging her to seek answers from James' mother. Surely, she would know more about what their family had done to hers.

Resolve steadied her trembling hands, and she reached for her car keys, determined to confront James' mother and expose the lies that had ensnared her. But as she made her way to the door, her phone vibrated, the same unknown number flashing on the screen.

"Don't bother, I know what you plan on doing next," the message read, "you'll only put yourself in danger. If you want to be safe, cut off your ties with him and his family by divorcing him."

“What! How did you know what I was going to do? Are you watching me?” Amanda was perplexed as she texted back, looking around the house.

“Of course not, I only predicted what you would do next which I advise against,” the unknown number replied.

Amanda's breath caught in her throat, her fingers tightening around her phone.

The urgency in the message was unmistakable, and for the first time, she found herself considering the possibility that the unknown messenger had her best interests at heart.

The text continued, "If they find out what you know, they won't hesitate to silence you. Mr Turner is already dead. You cannot even go to the police if you don't have a good backup plan. For your safety, leave and divorce James."

Amanda knew she couldn't ignore the warning and being told Mr Hitler was already dead left her in disbelief.

Divorce was a bitter pill to swallow, but the thought of leaving Kendall without a mother was unbearable as she didn't know what James’ family was capable of doing.

She quickly typed a response, pleading for the identity of the mysterious messenger. "Who are you?" she asked, her desperation mounting with each passing second.

The reply was swift and final, "We will meet in the future. For now, focus on your safety."

Before Amanda could respond, the number was blocked, leaving her with only the cold comfort of the messages and a deep sense of unease.

Amanda's mind raced as she wrestled with the decision to leave James without a confrontation. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, but the uncertainty was suffocating. As the hours dragged on, her exhaustion grew, and eventually, she dozed off.

The next morning, James was still absent, and Amanda's anxiety reached a fever pitch. She tried contacting him again, but her calls went unanswered.

Feeling trapped and desperate, she reached out to her closest friend, Lizzy, and arranged to meet at a nearby café.

As Amanda sat across Lizzy, her disheveled appearance spoke volumes. Lizzy's concern was noticeable as she asked, "Amanda, what's wrong? You look like you've been through a nightmare."

Amanda's eyes welled up as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. Just as she began to open up, a news broadcast on a nearby phone caught her attention.

Mr. Turner’s murder dominated the headlines, and Amanda’s heart almost left her chest. Her hands trembled, and her eyes widened in terror as she stumbled out of the café, leaving Lizzy bewildered, the unknown number was right, Mr Turner was dead.

Back home, Amanda's fear turned to determination. She packed a few things she needed, her mind racing with the realization that her life was in danger. James' absence no longer mattered as he still hadn't returned home; she had to escape.

With a heavy heart, she decided to flee abroad and email James divorce papers, severing all ties.


James' eyes opened slowly, his vision blurry and disoriented. As his gaze adjusted, he realized he was in a hospital room, the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor piercing the silence. Panic set in as he struggled to remember what had happened.

"James, honey!" a familiar voice called out. His mother, Agnes, rushed to his side, her face a mix of worry and relief. "Thank goodness you're awake!"

Next to Agnes stood a beautiful woman James slowly recognized to be Betty, his childhood family friend, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "James. We were so scared for you, I’m happy you are finally awake."

"What happened?" James asked, his voice hoarse and weak. "How long have I been here?"

"You've been in a coma for almost three months," Agnes explained, her voice trembling.

Suddenly, James' mind flooded with memories of the accident—the screeching of tires, the impact, and the pain. He had been driving home to celebrate his daughter Kendall's second birthday when it happened.

"Where are they?" he asked urgently, searching the room for any sign of his wife and child. "Where's Amanda? Where's Kendall?"

Agnes hesitated, exchanging a concerned glance with Betty. "James... Amanda's gone. She took Kendall and left."

James felt his world crumble, his heart-shattering in his chest. "No..." he whispered, shaking his head in disbelief.

Agnes pulled out her phone, showing him the divorce papers Amanda had emailed a month earlier, along with pictures of her with another man.

James' heart sank as he stared at the evidence of his broken marriage, his eyes burning with unshed tears.

"We are here for you, James," Betty said softly, taking his hand in hers.

Ignoring Betty's attempt at comfort, James turned to his mother, his voice desperate. "Where can I find Amanda? I need to see her when I get out of here. Since she left, I cannot allow her to take my daughter away from me,”

Agnes' expression fell, her lips pressed into a tight line.

"I don't know, honey. She's cut off all contact with us. But we'll do everything we can to help you find her."

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