
Chapter 5


The bar was hopping tonight, more crowded for a weekday night than usual.

Jamerson had informed us that we had business meetings tonight, and the Gammas shit for brain son was being returned to him tomorrow morning, all limbs attached; After we let Dynamite Al teach him a lesson.

My session with Bailey last night left me feeling somewhat relaxed, or at least relieving some of my constant tension.

I finished changing a keg and went to sit with Jamerson at ‘our’ table. He was nursing a whisky; one we had distilled ourselves and sold to numerous other establishments and some surrounding packs.

It wasn’t unusual for us to do business with packs, not just supply them with our products but also our more aggressive services. Especially to those weaker packs who required reinforcements when they were attacked by true rogues.

We never took sides. Only the color of money determined what side our services would support. They all knew it was nothing personal. Just business.

“Quiet a night, huh?” Jamerson said as I turned my attention to him, looking at him with skepticism.

“Are we at the same bar?” I chuckled looking around “Because seems like an unusually busy night tonight.”

It was strangely busy, but I detected nothing unusual than just that. At least nothing that made my wolf wary.

I groaned as I watched the main entrance door open, and Cassidy walked in. Her blonde hair was sprayed to perfection and her face was done up with bright red lipstick. Her short skirt and tight halter top didn’t leave much to the imagination.

She was a pretty girl, tall, slim, and easy on the eyes. She attracted a lot of attention and relished it. I too had found her quite pleasing until she opened her mouth, and her high-pitched voice caused an involuntary shiver to run down my back. Not because it was sexy, but because it reminded me of nails scraping against a metal surface. Sure, I had hit it a couple of times and had commanded her not to talk when I fucked her.

Until she wanted more. More I had no intention of giving her.

I pulled my eyes away, back to Jamerson and we eased into conversation for a few minutes until his face fell and became blank.

“Incoming.” He hissed and shifted uncomfortably.

“For fucks sake.” I sighed catching the approaching scent of overdone flowery perfume. Cassidy.

I can’t even remember how many times I have told her I’m not interested and to not come near me. She just didn’t get the fucking hint and I couldn’t have made it any plainer to her.

I turned just as she stopped to hover over our table. “Cassidy.” I ground out, acknowledging her presence with no emotion in my voice and a stern look on my face. Hopefully, she will get the hint.

“Gabe, babe, it’s been a hot minute, I’ve missed you.” She smiles and sticks her chest out, hoping I would be enticed by her generous-sized tits.

“What do you want Cassidy?” hoping to thwart her off with an icy tone.

She looked slightly hurt, her smile faltering for a second before she recovered and put on an even wider one. “I figured it had been a while, and thought maybe you needed taking care of,” She brought her hand up, lightly letting her bright red nails scrape down the uncovered part of my arm.

I shivered in revulsion, but she took it the wrong way. Cassidy sidled up next to me, expecting me to move over so she could sit, mistaking my disgust and thinking she lustfully affected me.

I did not move an inch.

“Thanks, but I was already taken care of.” I heard her huff in annoyance.

“I know how much pleasure I bring to you, Gabe. I know I’m much better than whoever you had earlier.” She purred, yet she sounded like a dying motor to me, nothing sexy at all. Cassidy was getting desperate.

“Stop being so desperate Cassidy, go find another member to pleasure because I ain’t interested,” I growl at her. At this point, I didn’t care how much of an asshole I sounded.

I saw Jamerson chuckle from the side of me. The struggle was real with this woman, and I had lost patience with her a long time ago. She was persistent. I had to give her that.

“One of these days Gabe, you will realize how good we are together. I just hope it’s not too late when you do.” She huffed out, throwing her hands on her hips obviously annoyed that I wouldn’t pay her the attention she so desperately wanted. 

“Yeah, when hell freezes over” Jamerson laughs, causing me to laugh out loud too. Jamerson took another sip of his drink in a bid to stifle his laugh.

Cassidy threw a glare at Jamerson, turned on her heel, and stomped off. I watched her cross the room and join a group of men who were hovering around a few of the other GT girls.

I shook my head, still laughing half-heartily. “That fucking girl is like a bad stain on your favorite shirt,” Jamerson said.

“No shit, I just can’t get rid of her.” I shook my head.

“You’re an Alpha Gabe, she wants the rank.” He tipped his glass at me before taking a sip, giving me a look like I should know this and be aware of it.

“We are Renegades, James, rogues just by another name.” I reminded him.

“Renegades, or not, you are still an Alpha wolf, and we are still a pack. That rank will have greedy bitches clawing at each other to be your chosen mate.”

“In that case, they will be fighting until my death. I have no interest in taking a mate. “I told him honestly.

Jamerson knew this. It was a conversation we had had many times. I didn’t want a mate, and I didn’t think I would ever find anyone I would want to be mated with.

I had absolutely no interest in tying myself and wolf to another. Even if by the grace of a miracle I found my destined mate, which was just as rare as a werewolf catching an STD. History says that werewolves could reject fated mates and that’s probably what I would do.

I scoffed at my own thought, Jamerson giving me a quizzical look from across the table. “Forget it,” I said shaking my head at him, not willing to even entertain that conversation.

In today’s world, it is rare to find a destined mate, especially as the werewolf population and human race had been so depleted after the Great War. Now, most ranked wolves took a chosen mate not knowing if or when they would ever find the mate the supposed Moon Goddess had made for them.

We live in a world where the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer. Where women were treated like trash and used as a means to fulfill a desire or breed a strong bloodline.

I was guilty of using women for my own pleasure; however, the difference was, that I never forced anyone. Our Good Time Girls were here because they wanted to be. We took care of them and protected them. They had the option to say no when they wanted to if they wanted to. And if any of my men disrespected my word or crossed the line, they would have to deal with me, and it wouldn’t be pretty.

If the GT girls found someone who wanted to claim them as a chosen, I would never stop the girls if that’s what they wanted.

The only exception was my sister, who was currently behind the bar serving drinks to the patrons. No one was allowed to touch her unless they wanted to be ripped limb from limb.

One of the waitresses dropped two new drinks off at our table. I told her thanks before she went back to serving others.

Jamerson and I sat in silence for a while, listening to the music over the speakers and observing. Killian had the night off, which meant he was either down at the cage, a place where a lot of underground trading and fighting took place. Or he was holed up somewhere, deep in some woman’s hole for the night.

We talked about upcoming jobs and a few other business matters as the music and chatter of the bar surrounded us. The main door opened again, and the chatter died down when an unknown wolf and three men entered. Creating a stale atmosphere as everyone looked at the strangers.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kristi Miller
This is getting very good!!!

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