
Chapter 6


The man, an obvious Alpha; stood tall and proud looking around the bar flanked by his two men, I took note that one had a Beta aura, and the other was a guard. His eyes landed on me, and I lifted my glass and downed the liquid in one go, still holding eye contact.

Two of my men stood up blocking the Alpha’s path to me. This was either going to be a shit show or the Alpha wanted something.

By the look of desperation written all over his face, I was guessing the latter.

*Let him through* I linked my men. I would praise them later for doing their job, as I had told no one we were expecting a meeting with an Alpha. Curious eyes from the bar were all trained on the unknown Alpha, and I could see my Zeta’s stiffen, ready to fight if needed.

The Alpha was unknown to me, not one I had previously encountered. The older man stepped forward closing in on our table, his men close behind him, constantly looking around watching their Alpha’s six.

Good loyal men, who were all dressed nice, too nice for an establishment like this. Their suits make them stick out like a sore thumb. This Alpha was super ballsy coming in here unannounced.

I cleared my throat but didn’t bother to stand up and greet him. He was in my house.

“What can we do for you Alpha?” Jamerson took the lead, scrutinizing him and his men with a watchful eye.

The Alpha was tall, older, maybe fifty-ish. Despite his obvious desperation, he held a confident air around him. His eyes trained on me, looked away for a brief moment at Jamerson then back to me.

Ignoring Jamerson he spoke directly to me “I am looking for Gabriel Grayson. I would like to hire him and the Renegades.” He spoke confidently.

“For what reason?” Jamerson asked, annoyed that the Alpha had ignored him.

Finally, the Alpha took notice of Jamerson and regarded him. Casting his eyes over my partner and after assessing thoroughly, he spoke, “Please, excuse me, I am Alpha James Jordan of the Raven Knights Pack.”

He didn’t smile but offered his hand to Jamerson, who hesitated for a moment but eventually took the outstretched gesture and shook it. The Alpha then repeated the motion offering me the same hand. Instead of taking his hand, I gestured for him to have a seat.

“…and what services are you requiring from the Renegades Alpha James?” I asked as he took a seat next to Jamerson and across from me. His men were stationed just feet away from the table watching the movements of my wolves.

His head hung lowly, as if he had already been defeated, then lifted it to look me directly in the eye. “My pack is on the brink of war, we are small and strong, but not strong enough to go up against the Cardinal Moon pack.” He admitted with shame in his eyes.

I had heard of the Cardinal Moon pack, Alpha Crane. And from what I had heard he was a piece of shit dirtbag, a bully, and one of those Alpha’s who liked to push the smaller packs around.

My curiosity was peaked. “And why would you be going to war with this Alpha?”

“I assume you are Gabriel Grayson?” I nodded at his question confirming his assumption. “Alpha Crane has insisted on taking my daughter as his chosen mate… his third chosen mate.”

“And you don’t agree?” Jamerson asked with surprise.

“No. I don’t.” The Alpha shook his head, “Crane is my age and besides my daughter and I refusing his claim, he is not a good man, and I would fear for her safety in his pack. He will declare war on my pack if I do not hand my daughter over to him in two weeks.” His blue eyes steeled “We do not want war but giving that lame excuse of an alpha my daughter is not an option.” He declared with determination and finality.

“I take it you are not willing to let him claim her?” I was starting to see where this was leading.

“No.” He replied to me sternly, still holding that determined look in his eyes “Over my dead body would I let that murdering son of a bitch lay his old ass hands on my daughter.”

I was beginning to like this guy, hearing the conviction in his voice, and reluctance to hand his daughter over to the other Alpha. It took guts to go against the norm of society.

“And what does your daughter say about this?” Jamerson asked him, trying to get as much detail as possible before we made a decision on whether we would accept the job.

“She, of course, does not want to be mated to him. However, knowing my daughter, she will sacrifice her own happiness for the safety of the pack.” He grimaced with the thought “She shouldn’t have to do that.”

I could clearly see the love he held for his daughter, and it internally warmed me thinking he would go to such measures to ensure her safety. I glanced across the busy bar, my eyes landing on my sister, who was smiling while serving. If only our parents had been that protective of their daughter.

“So exactly what do you want from the Renegades? You have obviously heard of us and our reputation or you wouldn’t be here?” I say pulling my concentration back to the conversation.

“Your reputation precedes you young Alpha.” The older Alpha replies using my rank “We are a small pack, but we have good strong warriors. Unfortunately, there are not enough of us to take on the Cardinal Moon pack. I would like to buy your assistance. Join us against Cardinal Moon and help save not only my daughter from a dark fate but also my pack. With you and your Renegades, I believe we can win.”

“You are talking a lot of money, Alpha James. Can you back up what you are asking?”

His lips pulled into a thin line and his eye crinkled “I can pay you 1.5mil that is all I have.”

Jamerson let out a slow whistle “Not to be rude Alpha,” he started “A million and a half is a lot of money but take into consideration what you are asking us. You are asking us to go to war over a woman. We would be pulling all our resources for you, nor can you guarantee the lives of our men, or if we would even win the battle.” I could always count on Jamerson to be levelheaded and not jump at the chance of the color of money, his main concern being our pack members.

I had never seen an Alpha lose their game face as fast and look so deflated as Jamerson brought the situation to reality.

“I know this.” The Alpha gritted out a pained reply “Without an ally or outside help we would all be dead anyway. This is why I came to you, I have heard rumors of Gabe Grayson, you are feared, and your Renegades are unmatched. Unless the rumors are just hearsay? And the young Alpha and his men really can’t defeat an army that’s twice the size of their mercenary pack?”

I chuckled, knowing this would make Jamerson fume. Also, I had to hand it to the old Alpha, his tactic had game and he had balls.

“Give us forty-eight hours to think over your proposal. Leave your contact information with the doorman and we will get back to you with our decision.” I tell him, knowing just our presence alone could scare the other pack into retreat.

The Alpha took the queue and stood. “Thank you for hearing me out gentlemen, I hope you will seriously consider my offer and help my pack.” With that, he left. His beta and guards in tow, one of his men stopping to give the doorman his info. As soon as the Alpha and his guards had vacated the bar, I linked my guy by the door and had him bring me the information.

“What do you think?” Jamerson asked me once we were alone again.

“I don’t know to be honest,” I rubbed the back of my neck, mulling over the short conversation we had just had. “He seems sincere, but the money is on the low side for what he is asking from us.”

“True that!” replied my friend, “I mean we have made more not even lifting a finger.”

“Indeed, we have, what are your thoughts on Alpha James?” Truly interested to hear his take on the Alpha. The money was small fries, but the reason was the same as why I deserted my pack in the first place. Again, I cast a glance at my sister, knowing what her opinion would be if asked.

My first reaction was to turn the offer down. The compensation just wasn’t enough to entice me to risk my men’s lives for a woman and pack we knew nothing about.

It was indeed a strange night.


I hope you enjoyed the first five chapters. I will be posting a chapter daily. Together we can take this adventure and see where it leads Gabe and Stix's.

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