
The Birthday Party!

Michelle already signed the necessary paper that was related to Kelly. She was fully healthy and well. She escorted her to Rose's car.

"I'll see you tomorrow, mummy?" She asked.

"Of course, tomorrow. Aunt Rose will bring you home and you'll see Chloe again" she said.

"Okay mummy" she said and entered into Rose car.

"Don't stay up too late" Michelle told Rose. Rose laughed.

"Yes, ma'am" she said and drove off.

Michelle watched as they drove off. She didn't want to be worried that anything will happen to them. She tried to calm herself, walking to her car. She didn't want to have any negative thoughts. But, another car drove in front of her and pulled over.

A deep frown appeared on Michelle's face. She almost cussed at the driver till she saw Ginny walking out of the car. She wasn't surprised it was her.

"What are you doing here?" Michelle was forced to ask.

"None of your business. You're not the only one that's pregnant. I'm also growing something in my stomach. You really don
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