
Chapter 41 - Unwanted Friendship


Later that night, I couldn't sleep. I was still feeling a little funky I hadn't said a word to George since the night before, and I needed to breathe some fresh air, so I stepped out into the garden. My mind was runnin' a hundred miles a minute, thinking about my sick momma and feeling all kinds of upset with George.

I didn't know what I was gonna say to him, but I knew I had to sort out my thoughts before we talked.

As I stepped into the garden, my breath caught in my chest. There, sitting on the bench and staring up at the sky, was Cassandra. The sight of her made me smile. I didn't even know she was up so early, but I was glad she was there.

I tried to keep my voice light as I greeted her, saying a simple "Hi" with a small smile.

But my sudden appearance caught her off guard. Her eyes flew open, and she gasped, her hand flying to her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart. I'd surprised her.

"Oh, hey!" Cassandra replied with a little smile. She hadn't been expe
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