

I looked sideways for any other beings as I snuck out of my room. The door kissed its frame gently, signaling me that it was now shut tight. I straightened, before doing another sweep of the hallway.

It was empty with no guard or human in sight. Some of the lights were switched off and the ones left on cast a shadow on the pillars bathing the hallway in some kind of eerie vibe. Mentally preparing myself, I sighed before letting my feet do their jobs.

Unlike the other time, I knew my destination. If I was going to be able to access it or not, was something I wasn't quite sure of. I was also sure I was being quiet enough, but my paranoid mind kept on telling me I was making so much noise even as cold seeped up my bare feet. The walk to the kitchen was long and dreary with different emotions crawling through my mind, that, and Zoe's voice too.

Zoe was the name I'd given to my wolf. After our plan to block Noah, we'd started talking more and I found it weird to address her as my wolf so I
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