
Rejection and Resentment

The next night, Camille wore a silky navy dress. Her look sparkled in the light. A dress that made Camille's aura even more radiant and elegant.

Alpha Arthur had previously hired a makeup artist to make Camille look different than usual, especially since this dinner meeting was very important to her.

Camille came out of her room and Alpha Arthur waited in the hallway between the rooms of the lower-ranked members of the Shadow Moon pack.

"Alpha, I think this outfit is too fancy for me, um, I have a dress that belonged to my late grandmother, how about that?" Camille said.

While Arthur was silent with his eyes focused on Camille, "No, you look very beautiful and elegant in that dress," he said.

"Isn't it too much for an Omega like me to look like this?" asked Camille again.

Then the make-up artist, who had finished her work and put her things away in Camille's room, came out.

"You're the Luna of this pack, so of course your appearance has to be perfect, especially since you're going up against two perfectionist wolves," the male make-up artist said as he winked at Alpha Arthur.

Alpha Arthur just shook his head, making Camille curious about the two wolves in question.

"Who?" asked Camille.

"Luna Elena and Sofia!" the make-up artist whispered casually and then walked away.

"Never mind Camille, I'm sure you'll melt the hearts of my mother and sister with your performance tonight," Arthur said, standing up to offer his hand to Camille.

Camille bowed like a princess and took Arthur's hand. Then the two walked down the hallway to the main building of the Elder Residence, Alpha Arthur and his family.

As they walked down the hallway, the lower-ranked members of the Shadow Moon pack noticed that Alpha and his future wife, Luna, were walking like a prince and princess. They were amazed and look enthusiast, except for Omega Olive Luna's personal assistant Elena and Sofia, who look cynical and displeased.

A few minutes later, Alpha Arthur and Camille arrived at the main house pack building. Elder Jhonas, Luna Elena and Luna Sofia were already seated at the dining table with dinner already served.

Everything was decorated with a romantic dinner theme with small orange lights surrounding the entire dining room.

"Come join us Camille, no need to be awkward and shy because soon you will be one of us," Elder Jhonas greeted as he invited Camille to sit down.

"It's too much to welcome someone who isn't so special," Sofia, Arthur's older sister, snapped with a confused look.

Meanwhile, Luna Elena was still wearing her antagonistic expression.

"You know how the ladies of the nobility sit, right?" said Elena suddenly, squinting at Camille.

Camille was confused and just smiled awkwardly as she slowly sat down in the chair Arthur had given her.

"I'm sorry Luna Elena, I didn't know because this is my first time sitting with the pack officials," Camille said.

"If you knew you were going to be Luna's candidate, you should have learned how to be a lady of nobility or high rank, so when you met us tonight you already knew how to behave," Luna Elena chimed in.

"Gee Mom, there's no need to discuss this first, where did he have time to study, he has to work and manage the Omegas every day," Arthur said.

"Yes, that's right, let's have dinner first and then focus on discussing the wedding arrangements for the two of them," Elder Jhonas replied in support of Arthur.

Elder Jhonas really liked Camille's beauty and polite demeanor, and in his opinion, Arthur was not wrong. Elder Jhonas has the ability to see into the future, although sometimes some of the results of his visions are limited, he can see in Camille's eyes that Camille will one day become a victorious and hard-to-conquer Luna.

"Thank you Elder for the welcome, I am very happy to be among you," Camille said as she bowed her head in respect.

They finally enjoyed their meal. Camille looked very awkward and only ate a little, fortunately Camille had received table manners training for Omegas a few months ago. So she still remembered how the upper class werewolves ate.

Suddenly Sofia noticed Camille again and stopped eating for a moment, then asked Camille, "Nice dress, how much did Arthur spend on that dress you're wearing? I'm guessing it must have cost several months of your salary," she said.

Camille swallowed as she felt a little embarrassed, "I don't know exactly how much Luna Sofia cost, I just obeyed Alpha Arthur to wear it."

"Sis, there's no need to talk about things that don't matter, it's a special night after all, I want her to look good in front of you!" said Arthur.

"The problem is that it's Arthur's limited edition shirt, I wanted it yesterday but the shopkeeper said it was out of stock shortly after I saw it," Sofia explained.

"Yeah, maybe it was because I bought it through online transactions so it was out of stock, I didn't know if you wanted it," Arthur said.

"Never mind Sofia, maybe Arthur wants to prioritize his future Lunas now," the mother said in a sarcastic tone.

Elder Jhonas, who had been quietly concentrating on enjoying his dinner, immediately interrupted their conversation,

"Just because of Camille's clothes you are arguing, Elena! Act like a mature and wise Luna."

Hearing Elder Jhonas' defense of Camille, Elena was immediately upset and pursed her lips.

"You decrepit old man, if I didn't respect you and your existence, I would never let that Omega eat at the same table with me," Elena muttered to herself.

After a while the meal was over and three Omega girls, including Olive and Susan's best friend Camille, came to clean up and clear the table.

Susan smiled at Camille, she was very happy that her best friend was about to become a Luna.

Meanwhile, Olive looked at Lun Elena and it seemed like they were planning something.

Olive nodded and brought Camille the rest of the tomato juice that Sofia had drunk.

Omega Olive pretended to clean up the mess on the table and stood right next to Camille, then she deliberately pretended to lose control of the glass and the remaining tomato juice spilled on Camille's dress.

Camille was shocked, as were Elder Jhonas and Alpha Arthur.

"Hey, Omega, do your job!" Arthur snapped at Omega Olive.

The man immediately approached Camille with a handkerchief to help clean her up, but Camille stopped him.

"It's okay, Alpha, it's just a spill, I'm used to it, let me clean it up in the bathroom first," Camille explained.

Arthur nodded and asked Olive to return to the kitchen immediately and let Omega Susan clean it up.

There were satisfied and happy looks on the faces of Luna Elena and Sofia, yes of course it was all their plan to disrupt the wedding discussion tonight.

Elder Jhonas took a deep breath, "Hmm fortunately Camille is a very patient woman, she doesn't get emotional at all when other people are unkind to her, I know that Omega did it on purpose, competition among Omegas is normal," he said.

"I had to teach this Omega a lesson, Elder," Alpha Arthur said.

Elder Jhonas simply replied with a smile, "No need, Arthur, I've been quietly observing Camille's behavior, and I'm becoming more and more convinced that when she becomes a Luna, she will be a wise and unemotional leader, which is very good."

"Maybe she imagined in front of all of us that she could have scolded the Omega tomorrow, especially since Camille is the head of the Omegas," Elena said, not wanting to be outdone in her condescension.

Just as Alpha Arthur was about to refute his mother's opinion, Camille suddenly returned, but with a new appearance.

She was wearing a very simple dress, and the color seemed a bit worn, as it was dominated by cream and white. It seemed to be her late grandmother's dress that she had mentioned to Alpha Arthur before going to the meeting room.

Obviously seeing Luna, Elena and Sofia felt they had more of an opportunity to put her down again, even now they were holding back their laughter.

"Are you serious Arthur? You're choosing your future Luna with such hick tastes?" quipped Luna Elena.

Alpha Arthur asked Camille, "Why did you change and why didn't you tell me? I have a better spare dress," the man whispered.

"The stain on his shirt wouldn't go away and had to be washed with detergent first, so I quickly ran to my room to change, I'm sorry I didn't want to bother you and keep everyone waiting," Camille said.

"Okay, this is the last time you disobey me, I care because I don't want you to be humiliated by my family anymore," Arthur explained and Camille nodded.

"Hmmm it looks like there will be no end to the explanation of clothes, how about we get to the point Arthur!" said Elder Jhonas.

Finally, they began discussing Alpha Arthur's reception with Camille, and everyone agreed that it would be held next Sunday. Even though Luna Elena and Sofia were forced to agree, no one dared to go against the Elder's orders.

Word spread quickly throughout the pack, and invitations were sent out to several packs in the Kenai area.

The alphas and Luna talked about Alpha Arthur and Camille's wedding.

Some of them reacted casually, unknowingly, and more than a few scoffed that Arthur's taste was very low. However, those from other packs who often visit Shadow Moon Pack and often see Camille are actually very supportive of their marriage because they can see Camille's figure with her good performance.

Three days later, Camille was asked to stop working and take up her duties as an Omega. She was asked by Elder Jhonas to learn the etiquette of being a high society lady, as well as other lessons on how to become a Luna.

"You have four more days to learn these things, I leave it to Delta Diana to guide and train you," Elder Jhonas said to Camille, who was in the Elder's office.

Delta Diana immediately took Camille out of the room to learn everything Elder Jhonas had to say.

"You don't have to be shy with me, if there is anything you don't understand, please ask," the Delta said.

"Thank you Delta Diana, I hope I can understand what you're teaching quickly," Camille said.

They began the first lesson on the etiquette of a Luna, or a woman of high rank.

Camille was taught table manners, how to walk, how to dress, how to greet guests from outside the pack, and how to communicate with business associates.

It was quite difficult for Camille, especially when she had to learn to walk in a tight dress and heels, she fell several times and was about to give up, but every now and then her friend Omega Susan would come by with food to encourage her.

"The key is cooperation, trust and don't give up, if we can do that between me and you, I think four days is enough time for you to understand and practice at least fifty percent of the theory I'm giving you, the rest you'll walk as time goes by," Delta Diana explained, looking very wise and kind.

But in the middle of their warm conversation, Luna Sofia suddenly arrived and sat down on a lounge chair that overlooked the backyard where Camille was training today.

Luna Sofia immediately ate the apple on the table that Omega Susan had provided for Camille.

"It's also good to be a student like you, just studying, being treated to food, I used to study being forbidden to eat anything before finishing the lesson hours, even though I am a Luna," Sofia joked.

"Ma-sorry Luna Sofia, it was me who took the initiative to bring food to Camille, it's not her fault, just blame me!" said Omega Susan in a nervous tone, looking down in fear.

"Yes, it is your fault, and Camille should have known about it and refused it, but she didn't do anything about it," he said curtly.

"What is this noise, I was just about to go to the Elder's room when I suddenly stopped hearing your voice dear!" said Luna Elena who suddenly came to Sofia.

"That's the new Luna Candidate, it's so good to be served food while studying and practicing, how can she concentrate then?"

"Wow, you're very special, bring the food back," Luna Elena ordered Omega Susan, and the Omega obeyed immediately with a worried and frightened look.

Meanwhile, Camille just looked down, not knowing how to defend herself.

"It's not all her fault, Luna Elena, her best friend Omega brought the food as a form of encouragement," Delta Diana defended.

"Delta Diana, I have nothing to do with you, so don't interfere with my words, okay?" said Luna Elena.

Delta Diana, who seemed to understand the woman's disposition, could only sigh without speaking again.

Meanwhile, Luna Elena approached Camille and slowly lifted her chin, causing Camille to panic a little.

"Lu-Luna, I'm sorry, I'll advise my friend later," Camille said nervously.

"You know, I will never let you feel comfortable around me, because you will never be worthy of the upper ranks!" said Luna Elena, still lifting Camille's chin and face.

Then he released her forcibly and left with Sofia.

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