
One night stand with a stranger

/Selene’s POV/

He knows the brutality he does to my body, so after abusing me he’ll instruct me to go to my room and mindlink Veronica that I’m done for the day…….. not because he is sorry for what he did but because he doesn’t want people to find what he did to me and knows I might reek of sex which will expose his secret.

“Motherfucking rapist with no sense of remorse, such a waste of his father’s sperm.” I cussed him out when I knew I was out of his hearing environment.

I got to my room and dashed off to the bathroom to wash his disgusting scent off me, usually, when this happens, I do scrub my body like as if I fell inside a gutter. After doing my business in my bathroom, I looked at my tan skin reflection in the mirror and could see red tings of scrubbing.

I dressed up and decided to press my phone since I was done for the day. That reminds me about my phone that no one knows of its existence, I always hide it so in case Veronica is not satisfied with my job, she won’t smash it.

The light sound of feet tiptoeing to my room caught my attention, so I threw the phone under my bed and pretend as if I was sleeping knowing very well that it was the walking yellow daisy being nosy. She opened the door lightly, thinking I don’t know about her appearance, I don’t know what these people take me for, the fact that I can’t shift doesn’t mean I don’t have enhanced hearing motherf**ker……I’m still a werewolf for crying out loud.

“Bitch wake up……’s time to cook for Atlas, you know he won’t allow anybody apart from your pathetic self to cook for him so stand up!” She barked out and I resisted the urge to laugh at her dress, someone should tell this lady to go and burn that dress.

“Okay…..” I drawled out the word making her hiss.

I got to the kitchen and was thinking of what to cook for the bastard before I got interrupted by Mistletoe One, I can’t remember her name but she surely brought good news today.

“Hey slave, Atlas said you shouldn’t worry about making him anything tonight because he won’t be sleeping in.” She screeched while pointing at me and I didn’t even mind the fact that she called me a slave, on a normal day I’d have retorted which might probably earn me beatings as usual but I was happy with the news she brought.

I skipped to my room and bounced on my bed since I was so exhausted I didn’t even know when I slept off but I was woken up by my usual nightmare. I looked outside and saw that the day was almost bright so I rushed outside before Veronica skinned me alive.

Saturdays are my least favourite days because everyone is around and there are so many chores to do that you can’t run away from since you’re an omega. I was cleaning when I overheard some girls talking about sex which caught my attention.

I was wondering if they also felt the same pain I used to feel but was proved wrong when I heard them talking about how pleasurable it is, I was stunned and confused…at a point, I felt like the topic had been changed. One of the girls even talked about her recent f**k and how she also can’t wait to get laid this night at the club.

I kept on pondering on what they said, could it be true?? Is sex really pleasurable?? Well, it won't hurt if I see and confirm myself. I remembered that the girl called the name of the Club ‘Expensive.’ I was still cleaning when another girl asked how they used to sneak out of the pack without anybody’s knowledge, I strained my ear and even stopped cleaning to get the details.

All afternoon, my mind was drowned in what I heard earlier. I made up my mind that I’ll go to the club and sleep with a random stranger because I’ve always noticed that it seems Atlas enjoys it, while I get the immense pain.

“What can I do?? How do I eliminate my biggest obstacle?” I pondered and racked my brain trying to think of what could possibly take him out.

“Sleeping pills,” I yelled when I finally got an idea, now how do I get them…. I’m not sure I’ll be sent on an errand so what do I do? How do I get them? I was thinking when a certain flimsy yellow dress flashed in my mind.

“Veronica,” I whispered remembering that she’s highly insomniac meaning her drug will be powerful enough to knock Atlas out for a few hours.

I did a happy dance and decided to pick out my clothes, I rummaged through my box and found one burgundy dress that was left in the bin which I picked up, not knowing it would be useful for me. I started pressing my phone and going through social media when I remembered that I had to go and pick up the pills from Veronica’s room.

I tiptoed my way to her room and opened it knowing she was not back from the market, I glanced around and guess luck was on my side because I saw it sitting majestically on her dressing table so I dashed for it. I opened the door and peeped if anyone was coming, luckily I could not hear any sound also, so I dashed for my room and attempt to have a good rest before Veronica sauntered in and instruct me to cook for that Asshole.

I don’t know how many hours I was out for, but I was startled awake by the thundered knocking on my door before I could mention the culprit’s name……..

“Selene, what the hell are you doing? Get your disgusting ass here……you know you’re supposed to prepare Atlas’ food right now.” Well it seems she doesn’t need an introduction, she made her appearance known already to us.

The sounds of footsteps became lighter till I couldn’t hear them anymore signalling she had left, so I stood up and picked up five pills and stored them securely in my bra. I made my way to the kitchen knowing Veronica would yell my na….

“Selene!!!!!!! What the hell is making you waste time? Do you want me to report you to the Alpha?” She screeched making me groan, I hope she doesn’t burst my eardrums today.

“I’m here already, I got delayed,” I explain to her, and she stomped her foot on mine making me hiss…….as if that was necessary bitch.

“Ughhh you’re annoying, just fry fish and chips and scram outta here, your face is pissing me off.” She hissed and I thanked the moon goddess that the feeling was mutual.

“Damnnnnn…. I’m a minute away from driving this knife into this bitch’s head.” I muttered while frying and was fucking pissed but I know Veronica will kill me.

“Oops I can’t put these pills inside this fish, what do I do?????” I ask myself silently, then I remembered that I’d also be serving him his favourite wine…… I guess the moon goddess is on my side.

I was going to his room to drop it when I stopped by a corner and put the five pills in his wine then mix it, so it doesn’t taste strange. I got to his room and he was in the bathroom which made me happy because I’ll drop the food here and make my way outside, knowing he would inhale my scent.

I successfully snuck out to my room without running into someone, knowing everyone will soon go to bed made me happy because I’ll finally taste what freedom is like. I locked the door to my room after making sure I wouldn’t be summoned, then I entered my bathroom took a shower started dressing up for the club.

I don’t know much about makeup so I just curled my blonde hair, applied mascara, winged my eyebrows and a clear lipgloss.

I waited till the time struck 11 pm, and then I made my way out following the instructions of the girls, I almost screamed when I got to the main road. I saw a cab coming, so I stopped it knowing it was safe and the man didn’t smell like our kind so I entered the car.

“Good evening, to Club Expensive,” I told him straight and he muttered okay and zoomed off. The ride was silent all through and it was favourable to me because I was assembling my shitty life in my head.

“We’re here ma’am.” I heard the driver mutter so I just removed a hundred and fifty dollars and handed it to him, well you might be wondering where I saw the money. From my beloved mate of course.

“Thank you ma’am and have a good night.” He drove away and I looked forward and prepared my mind for what I would do.

“Step one?? Order strong alcohol.” I pronounced and made my way to the club, I saw the bouncers and knew they were about to ask for an ID card, so I decided to play my way inside.

“Where is your I.D card kid?” The bouncer with curly hair asked and I sniffled making him squint his eye, I prayed he believed the card I was about to play.

“Oh, boy problems I see. Just go inside today, you won’t be allowed next time okay.” The other gigantic one said making me yip in my head.

“Thank you so much,” I muttered with a tiny voice I never knew I possessed.

I entered the place and closed my sensitive ear so I could get used to the sound while I pushed myself past sweaty bodies glistening under the blue light. I managed to get to the bar and exhaled because that was quite a struggle.

“Hello beautiful, what can I give you?” He asked and I’m not interested in sleeping with him so I just brushed his flirtatious attitude off.

“Give me two glasses of the strongest alcohol you have here.” I ordered and then dropped a hundred dollars cash on the counter.

“Here are your drinks, enjoy your evening.” He said and I thanked him then chugged the two glasses down while enduring the burning sensation in my throat.

“Yeah, let’s do this.” I screamed and nobody paid attention because of the blaring music.

My eyelids are starting to get heavy, but I didn’t care enough to stop dancing, I was dancing so sexually and I didn’t even care for the attention I was getting because none of them caught my interest. One made his way to me and grabbed my waist but I pushed him away, he was about to argue with me when I saw him scram after seeing a hulk.

At this point I can’t see anything, all I was seeing were blurry images of glistening bodies, but I know I definitely that I want to sleep with this certain man that I’m dancing with so I tugged his hands. Looks like he got the assignment because the thing I could see was his face shoved in mine while doing unspeakable things I can’t comprehend.

“Hmmmm.” I groaned and melt at the softness of the bed I’m sleeping on, so I opened my eyes to see a tattooed body tangled with my naked body….. the soreness I could feel between my thighs made me realize that I had a one-night stand with a stranger.

“Fuck….” I muttered when I looked outside the curtain.

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