
Revenge On The Lycan King-My Babies’ Daddy
Revenge On The Lycan King-My Babies’ Daddy
Author: Sewa

Summoned by my demon

/Selene’s POV/

“I, Atlas Maxwell the future Alpha of Blue Zircon pack, reject you Selene Argus Phoebe as my mate and the Luna of Blue Zircon pack.” I gasped, the same nightmare again…. The sentence that torments me whenever I’m sleeping or awake.

I heard the pack members when I was very young, saying the moment you meet your mate, everything is bliss, your soulmate is the one that will complete the other missing part of your heart that the moon goddess divided when she was creating her offspring.

I was enthralled when I heard that everyone has a mate, that was the hope I’ve been living for since my parents died. Everyone treated me like trash, I was the pack’s slave. Most especially, I was my mate's servant and sex toy.

After my mate rejected me, I accepted the rejection and even begged the Alpha for permission to leave the pack and go to another pack after explaining the situation to him, the Alpha refused and my mate was informed about my request.

Ladies and gentlemen, that day was the day I died, I’ve been enduring the hard work and tortures from the pack members, and my body has gotten used to our usual cycle which includes beating every night, being woken up around four o’clock in the morning to start chores and not being fed till all the members are done eating.

“Wake up bitch!!!!!!!! It's time to do your chores, I don’t know why your pathetic self is still on the bed. If you don’t stand up instantly I’ll report you to the Alpha.” Veronica threatened after dumping a bucket of cold water on me.

“Wow, that’s a first…….being able to sleep after a nightmare.” I commended myself after sleeping for twenty minutes after having my usual nightmare.

“Yay, what a better way to start my day don’t you think?Athena. Although I’d have preferred something better than a cold bucket of iced water, maybe breakfast in bed..” I told my wolf and she kept mute as always so I rolled my eyes at her.

“Damn that bitch had rendered this bed useless, I’d have to sleep on this cold hard ground for days. As if her screeching voice was not enough to alert me, she needed to wear that flimsy yellow dress that attracted attention more than her voice.” I grumbled and knew I’d have to do a better job at trying not to laugh today because of the walking yellow daisy that would be on a parade.

After managing to eat, I’d have to run or limp to school. Sometimes I don’t even go to school because it’s the routine, it’s not as if the school is my safe place or getaway haven, still the same people with different torturous schedules like embarrassment during lunch break, or setting foot trap so I could kiss the floor according to them.

Walking to school is my favourite thing to do because I’m left alone to think about my miserable life, how my tiny little bit of hope was shattered when I clocked eighteen. I stepped on a thorn and cried out immediately making me momentarily forget what I  was thinking about.

You might be wondering what made me cry out, it’s not as if I’m walking barefooted to school. I guess you wouldn’t call what I’m wearing a shoe, it’s called a madman’s property according to the three mistletoes- our pack bitches. I looked ahead and I saw our school gate, I groaned while thinking about how I was going to pass through the clusters of idiots without being cornered by one. Well, I passed through the hell hole and I guess I was lucky because apparently, they all had something better to do than bullying an omega like me.

I walked to the furthest end of the class but not before passing through the midst of shadows of deaths and glares. I sat down and put my head down, hoping I would be lucky for the teacher to walk inside before one idiot came up to me.

I saw Brittany smiling while coming up to me and I couldn’t be happier when I heard the jingling of the bell signalling that the class was about to begin and the history teacher was about to walk inside.

I did a happy dance in my head when Brittany went back to her seat. I groaned internally when Miss Andersons sashayed inside the class like it was her father’s house, if it weren’t for her fiery redhead and her pale bloated legs under that royal blue dress that she paired up with canary yellow shoes, I’d have mistaken her for a pacific blue tang fish.

I’m sure she is not here to teach us fishery, so why the species demonstration? Oh, dear! I almost forgot that she takes us through history, maybe she’s here to tell us the history of a Pacific blue tang fish.

“Care to tell us what you’re thinking about? The blonde girl in a black hoodie with her head down.” That statement from the Pacific blue tang fish got my attention, I looked back praying it wasn’t me she was talking to, but usually, luck isn’t always on my side.

“Am I the one you’re pointing to, ma’am?” I questioned and saw her bobbing her head while trying to distract myself from the piercing gaze of the shadows of death and glares.

“Obviously, is there anyone else with the description in this class?” She answered while chewing her gum nastily, reminding me why I hated her again.

“What is your question ma’am.” I retorted sweetly, I’m not a fan of this woman- fish but I’d rather not be reported to my Alpha.

“I asked you what you’re thinking about.” She repeated.

“Nothing, I’m sorry.” I apologized because I hated the stares I was getting, feels like I was being pierced with a needle.

The rest of the day passed in a blur and I skipped to the pack house where I live. I continued with the chores and prayed not to laugh because of Veroni- walking daisy dress. My day was going fine until I heard……….

“Selene, you’re being summoned Atlas.”

“What does this blockhead want again from me???!!” I muttered and hoped his summoning wouldn't lead to being tangled in the bedsheets with the Pig.

After rejecting me, you’d expect him to leave me alone but no, the sorry excuse of an Alpha chose not to, instead my life became interesting and intriguing to the piece of ass.

“Oops, I forgot to ask where to find the asshole.” I groaned and turned back to go and ask the girl he sent to me. I could’ve used my sense of smell to track but the way the motherfucker douses himself in different perfume makes it impossible for me to track him.

“Ahemm sorry to startle you, do you know where I can find the piece of As_ sorry Alpha?” I asked the girl and I don’t know why she’s jumpy, even if she’s an omega she’s not as treated sweetly as I was.

“Yes, he said you should come to his library with your cleaning supplies.” She answered and I resisted the urge to scream profanities at the bastard, to other people I’m going there to clean and nothing more. Whereas the bastard will command me to drop the supplies and lay on the table while he uses my body to his satisfaction.

“What do I do? Should I answer him or ignore him?” I am aware that the latter sounds appealing, but I’d rather not be beaten and ravished afterwards.

I started dragging my feet and deliberately walking at the pace of an overfed snail hoping to delay him so that he would lose interest, but who am I kidding?? Even after sleeping with the pack mistletoes, if the bastard isn’t satisfied he’ll wiggle himself into my room in the middle of the night.

I contemplated going to report to the Alpha, but that would earn me injuries because he had warned and commanded me that in no situation should I ever tell anybody that he was having sex with me. I scoffed and informed him that day that ‘you’re not having sex with me, you’re raping me! I can still remember how resounding the slap was, in other words, I saw stars that day.

I saw his personal library and I was hit with immediate sorrow for what was about to come, I managed to seal my mouth shut before knocking, knowing my sharp mouth would earn me beatings.

“What took you so long?” He asked while opening the door wide for me to enter and shutting it after I slipped inside. I was a minute from saying ‘Is that a sign that I do not want to see you, bastard ?’

“I was cleaning the kitchen while Veronica was messing it up so I had to re-clean it before leaving.” I lied and hoped he’ll believe me because everyone knows that Veronica is a bitch.

“You can drop your cleaning supplies and assume your usual position.” He commanded then pounced on me. After he was done I was so tired but managed to pick myself up with wobbly legs when I heard his next command


Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marilou N. Manaloto
beautiful story

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