
46. The test

I follow Jared behind as we enter the car and he drives to crystal pack. My mind keeps on screaming at me to tell Jared to go back and call Henry to denounce my assumptions, but I feel stupid If I don’t do anything about the truth. If I continue to keep shut, no one will ever go to look for those twins and the truth will never be known. I have to do this.

“Isabel.” I hear Jared call me.

“Yes.” I turn to look at him.

“About the issue that we are having earlier...”

“Can we not just talk about it. I have already told Stephanie my decision about it and it is final. I am not revising my words on it. Let us just focus on the main important thing that is going on right now and try to sort out this issue as fast as possible.” I cut him off.

The last thing that I want to do right now is to get emotional. I want to be strong and keep my thoughts in order, this might be the worst mistake that I have ever made in my life but I am willing to go throug
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