
58. No more secrets

“Do you think that he is going to listen to you and stop?” Henry asks me as we return to the pack.

“Not listening to me will be the biggest mistake of his life, if he dares to harm one more innocent person from my pack then I will not hesitate to cut his head off and feed them to the rogues.” I drawl.

“Yikes! The rogues are definitely not going to like your offer to them.” Henry teases me.

“Who cares, Henry? Even if the wild bears see his head, they won’t dare to feed on him. He is a bygone.” I say.

“You know that you look funny when you sound like that.”

“Like What?”

“Like mean or dangerous. Others might find it terrifying but I don’t - it is actually assuming.” He smiles.

“Geez Henry, you grew up with me. Even if I suddenly turn into a dragon or go berserk one day, you won’t be scared off that easily because you are used to seeing me and knowing me.”

“I might go insane. Who wouldn’t after seeing his friend turn into an ugly dragon?” Henry reasons jokingly.

“Dragons are not ugly.” I
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