
Give yourself to me

Eleonor holds her breath. It's as if her lungs have forgotten how to breathe. Her heart beats so heavily and fast that it could rip her chest open and give itself totally to that man. She also feels her legs weaken, but thanks to Giovanni's embrace, she manages to aid herself.

“Don't say that.” She whispers. “I don't want to believe you.”

“Yes, you do.” Giovanni gives a weak smile.

She closes her eyes, feeling butterflies fly in her stomach. “I really can't tell if you're bluffing right now…”

“I'm not bluffing.” He slides his hand down her face slowly. “I meant every word.”

“That's fucked up…” She shakes her head, ignoring the sensation his fingers cause on her skin as they slide to the back of her neck. “We…”

“It doesn't matter.” He brushes his lips against hers. “I don't care about anything else.”

He closes his eyes and kisses her quietly. And once again, she closes her eyes and gives her heart what it desires. She surrenders to the kiss, searching for his face. Giovanni slide
Esliee I. Wisdon

Hello guys! How are you? I hope y'all good! I'm here to say that this chapter was reallyyy challenger to write. I wanted something intimate, passionate... more than just lust. I really hope that I reached it. And of course, if you're liking "Reviello's Wrong Bride", please leave me your comment and a gem if possible. I'll help me sooo much. Thanks, see ya!

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