
Chapter 139- Prophecy Foretold

Jamari’s POV

‘Did he just call us his Queen?’ I ask Rieka, thinking I had misheard what the giant God just said.

‘That’s what we heard.’ Kenji's voice flits through my mind.

‘This is too much!’ Panic begins to set in within me. ‘Please make them stop.’ I cast pleading eyes in Levi’s direction, the sound of his laughter floats through my mind as he laughs at my discomfort.

‘You’re Queen of all Okami, you’re going to have to get used to this.’

Levi’s calming presence eases my discomfort as he comes up beside me, a wicked gleam in his eyes. The mischievous King was enjoying this immensely. Kenji comes up on my other side, sending his protective essence around me like a warm blanket.

“Are you going to stay down there all day?” Levi asks, humour in his voice.

Osiris grimaces as he rises to his feet, the rest of the Gods and Goddessess following his movement. Horace the Elder chuckles at Levi’s taunting words, his arms still crossed over his chest.

“What is going on?” I can’t
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